
Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by spartan0405, Jul 12, 2014.

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  1. If you're inactive your TEXP gets reset, so it does not take up server data. I personally doubt it's legibility and would forward you to krysyy to have it "validated".
    SoulPunisher and cadgamer101 like this.
  2. Yeah it seems pretty obvious that JustinGuy didn't get killed in the grinder. If they didn't have player heads a year ago, then cadgamer's right.

    Pretty funny I guess. I don't know about forging one of the founders heads though.

    Hopefully they can check and see what really happened.

    If they can verify that it's not real, I'll donate it to someone's head museum.
  3. A renamed item is she in in italics, that's not italic.
  4. Ninjaboy just told me if the head's name is in italics, it's fake. I tried renaming one of my heads and he's right. As you can see by the picture the heads name is normal!!!

    What the heck is going on?
  5. No idea, but seeing as how no one has made an offer yet, I offer 1R for the head.
  6. My idea is someone went to the ender farm with his head and they died with it, seeing as their is no way to truly identify who died with it so it seems like it's Spartans choice what to do with it. I can already tell that some people with day my idea I wrong because who would bring justinguys head to the ender farm? A person who is a new supporter and doesn't know you could die their is just one of many ideas to negate their counter arguement
  7. Actually someone has made an offer via pm and the deal will be excepted once Spartan makes sure their is no way he can get in trouble.;)
  8. I'm pretty sure the only head JustinGuy ever gave out was to krysyyjane9191 for her head museum, and even that might have had to be edited in.
  9. I don't know what kind of information they can get from the server logs but ff there's some way to prove who's it is, I'd like to return it.

    This thing is worth a lot of rupees and I'd hate to take that from someone.
  10. I would LOVE to know the source of this head.
  11. Ninjaboy just came to my res to check it and he's stumped. He said he'll check with Aikar and see if he can tell us what's going on.

    Once we get this figured out, I'll post the results here.
    cadgamer101 and deathconn like this.
  12. This could have been the bug about how people were finding staff heads inside and in the wild in random places
    Qwerty189, FDNY21 and deathconn like this.
  13. So weird. Maybe he died with it, and no one has been to those chunks since?
  14. jkjkjk182 and deathconn like this.
  15. HurricaneHero35 and sonicol1 like this.
  16. I would like to ask that if this isn't legit, then are you gonna return it?
  17. The head is indeed JustinGuy's head, but due to the nature of it not being on the server, it has been confiscated.

    Spartan0405 has been awarded my head as a replacement due to him reporting this to us instead of abusing the situation.
    troop53no, cutejuliew, FDNY21 and 8 others like this.
  18. That's implying ur head is equal to Justin's head.... Haha jk we love you krssy ;)
    Seanawesome14, PenguinDJ and Monster_ like this.
  19. how did it get on the server then? i'm vaguely remembering some drama over some hackers awhile back, was this part of all that?
  20. I do not know, but am conducting an investigation.
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