Guuurl troubleyness.

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by synth_apparition, Jul 8, 2014.

  1. "Date me"
    "Somebody help me. I'm just punched the girl I'm trying to get off with in the face."
    "Sir, you are an absolute pillock."
  2. This may be unexpected but I've noticed I'm starting to become attracted to you :D
  3. :(

    *Untips fedora and walks away*
    princebee likes this.
  4. So friend who told everyone shouted "[MY NAME] LIKES YOU" right in the girl's face. I scream "No I don't". After that, she spent loads of time at lunch lingering around me. Pretty sure its just a coincidence... but it was really awkward for me. Especially when she took the long way around her table, walked behind me and sort of brushed her arm against the back of my head. I sorta panicked and starting breathing really heavily >.>

    So all in all, today was an awkward day and confused me more :)

    And no, she said nothing about yesterday'
  5. So you missed two hints in one go.
  6. The person you really like already has a boyfriend and there's absolutely nothing you can do about it?
    I've been there.
    In fact, I still am there >.>
  7. I've met him. He doesn't go to my school, he doesn't live in my town, but i've met him. He's friends with some of my 'higher up' friends in the social ladder and...well...he's a horrible person :( And i'm not saying that because I don't like him. Nope. He treats his friends like crap. I think they put up with him because he's popular, throws good parties (ew, parties) and he's rich and spoilt >.>
    Yeah but it's confusing. I don't even talk very much to this girl - how can she like me? I'm just that kid who's the outcast of his class and is awkward to be around. The fact that she kept throwing me glances in class unnerved me as well. It just felt like that at any moment she'd come up and ask me a bunch of questions I didn't have an answer for yet.

    Maybe she's just playing with my mind to see how i'll...ah, screw it. Girls are confusing :p
    highlancer54 likes this.
  8. I think more information is needed. E.g. your ages, do you talk much out of school if at all. These could affect the quality of the advice that's given along with other possibilities that would have been gapped if the info wasn't shown :p
    But for now take it slow being as she has a boyfriend as it could spiral out of control if you confront her about it :)
  9. See, I never have to worry about this stuff, as no girl has ever shown any interest whatsoever in me.
    607 and Deadmaster98 like this.
  10. *sigh*

    Ayy bby
    BlackKnight1021 likes this.
  11. Palm, you are indeed as sweet as Palmsugar! I am glad that you understood what I wrote. Thanks.

    Denial, such a powerful tool. Seems like you need better friends if they would do this to you.
    Awkward way confusing you more? If you don't have your own head or emotions straight, you will not know what you will need to do. Meandering around may eventually get you to where you want to be, but I am more of an A-B person who takes the direct path. Figure out what YOU want to do, and make it happen.

    If she does not know you, she cannot 'like' you (more like she likes what she believes you to be in her own mind).
    Its up to you to change that she does not know you!
    Boyfriend or not, people often 'put up' with their significant other even if things are bad, until they meet someone else. Maybe she is unhappy and is looking around. Could she be messing with you? Sure. Have fun, be yourself, and you can never fail.

    Here is something simple that is within your power. Get some friends together, and plan going out to do something as a group. Make sure whatever it is, it would probably be something that she and her friends would like to do. Then, after you figure out what you are doing with your friends, casually invite her and her friends along. Here are some hints... avoid things like 'movies' as there is no social interaction time. Try things like grilling out at the park, any casual sports, etc... something near you that is fun for a group of people.
    If she does not show, you will have fun with your friends. If she does show, then they will have fun with you and your friends. Win win win.

    So you say... pay more attention? When some girls like you, you will not have a clue. (maybe its just me, but I have missed this so many times only to find out way after the fact)
  12. U 2 fab 4 her anywayz
    Deadmaster98 and highlancer54 like this.
  13. Ya, if she is not playing EMC with us, she is not worthy!
  14. How old are you? I thought you were 12-13
  15. If she is really worth it, she will leave him for someone better. (your chance)
  16. He is 14 I believe
    PenguinDJ likes this.
  17. Well, my best female friends are (or at least were 8 months ago) very immature, so yeah xD

    I actually expected that. You think she'll talk about it because it's so important for you. She often just doesn't though, and you are just left with feelings of confusion. (Oh boy, I had forgot I've had experiences like this myself:confused:)

    Also, what does friendzoned mean?
  18. Pretty much won't look at you for something more than a friend
  19. 14.
    She's fabber than me tho.
  20. Learn to take a compliment.