Happy Fourth of July Everyone!

Discussion in 'Empire News' started by Krysyy, Jul 4, 2014.

  1. What's more valuable, the chest or the items...
  2. can you screenshot what you mean?
    Oops, I have the item frames backwards, I'll update on the nightly reboot.

    The sign will show you which your buying first though.
  3. Nevermind about my previous post, I checked shop and realized they were just another version of firework. Again, sorry about how indecisive I am XD
  4. hmm... better keep the chest...
  5. alright so i may just be asking a stupid question but when you choose what you want through /promo iday do you get the chest and you have to place it like a normal chest and open it to get what you chose or do you just right click with chest in hand to get what you chose?
  6. place the chest then, the chest will disappear and items will go in your inventory :)
  7. YES!!! WOOT!!!!:D
  8. alright cool thanks Elysphic
    Elysphic likes this.
  9. well, one per account :p
    607 likes this.
  10. im 50 cows in myself and havnt got any cool promo item
    Mirr0rr likes this.
  11. does the sword lose damage if you only use it once?
  12. #WhenSheNoticesYou #JustMirr0rrThings
  13. My boots were made for walki-- I mean, independence!
    Elysphic and krysyyjane9191 like this.
  14. I have some :p
    Taste Of Freedom.png

    This is how you get respect....
    Mirr0rr likes this.
  15. Haha, Awesome Job Guys! I Have All The Promos And They Are All Amazing!
    This Cow Thing Is Very Tricky, The Only Thing I Have Yet To Get, Haha.
    Great Job
  16. Just finished my full set :D
    Mirr0rr likes this.
  17. Is it possible to get the steak from Mooshrooms?
  18. Do the cows need to be adults?
  19. After the reboot, everyone meet me on smp1 for a reveal of the last promo surprise =)
    Luckygreenbird likes this.
  20. :( missed it due to being on my alt that had no r.