Ive been gone for a while, it seems my home is gone, Please Help!

Discussion in 'Empire Help & Support' started by Dimbulb, Jun 29, 2014.

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  1. Are people who give facts just clones? He was simply stating that there are many ways for you to hold your res while gone, and you did none of them. How was the system supposed to know that you would come back. New players come in very often and room needs to be made. You hadn't connected in a while so the system thought you were gone. If you can come up with a better system that is fair, possible to code, not resource intensive, and automatic, then please, post an idea but don't attack other players by calling them mindless followers.
    I would be happy to help you get back on your feet on EMC and give you some rupees and items. If you want to take me up on this offer, pm me here.
    MrsWishes, 607 and jkjkjk182 like this.
  2. [rant=clone lecture]because all police officers are clones
    additionally, I think you'll find that the cloning process required DNA to be cloned off of, so jkjkjk would be considered deceased. Also, clones die quite a lot faster than normal, so jkjkjk might be showing signs of dying by now. Also, I believe cloning humans is still illegal, due to the fact that it is considered inhumane, or just impossible, one of the two.
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
  3. Your resemblance to Copherfield is incredible, in both the excuses and logic category. *eats grass so that my submissive wool may be replenished*
    It is amazing how much you care now about what you lost. Because before you cared very little about it, as seen in the absolute zero effort you put into keeping it. You are like that friend who puts no effort into the relationship until they feel they are in dire straits, at which point the whole universe revolves around them and they can't fathom the idea that they don't deserve what they are begging for.
    technologygeek, 607, mba2012 and 3 others like this.
  4. Preach it
    technologygeek likes this.
  5. Yeah, hahaha, those people that knowingly risk their lives for the greater good of little snots like you are SUCH a joke.
    MrsWishes likes this.
  6. Please watch out to not get offensive, thanks :)
  7. I am sorry you lost your res. I lost mine a long time ago on an alternate account back when you had to log in or vote every 15 days. I came back on day 16 to find my res, not a desirable number or location, had been force claimed. The person who force claimed it, unclaimed it a week later. So I can very much relate to being angry at losing a res and all the valuable items on it.

    However, despite this setback, I started over, rebuilt a better place and didn't hold losing my res against EMC. EMC has to make room for new players and players who go derelict can have their residences force claimed. Over time they have adjusted the system to make it easier for players to keep their residences and have adjusted the system to spare older builds and reset the residences of people who log in one time and don't come back for five days first.

    I wish no ones residence ever was reset, but that is just not practical.
    weeh666 likes this.
  8. We do not allow worldedit backups, because if a person's house burned down IRL they could simply go crying to a police officer about it and have their house reverted back to normal. Sorry, but we just don't allow it. You say 'Your Decision' but it is not anybody's decision to make. You understand the rules. You have 30 days of a saved res, and if you are not online before that time your residences get erased by the automated service called SYSTEM. Our mods did not make that decision, nor did our admins. You just need to realise that you are not above everyone else here and we cannot just change our rules for you. No WorldEdit backups.
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