[FORUM GAME] GalliaRPG - Revived

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by HanaY, Jun 15, 2014.

  1. I turn back into a human and look for a doorway into the tower.
  2. You arrive in the bottom floor of the inn.
    "Oh, did you sleep well last night?" asks the owner of the inn.
    (yes, there is also EMS, and fire services :3)
    As everyone hears the crunch, everyone turned to look at you as he falls to the ground, unconscious. Some of his friends run at you.
    There are 2. One black door, and one white door.
  3. (ah i'm sorry)
    one contains just... trash, and the other has a glowing orb.
  4. "What in the hell, do you have going on upstairs?!" I shout and direct my finger upstairs, "You have 4 dead people, in your rooms!" I reached for the doorknob...
  5. "WHAT?!?" He replies. He picks up the phone, and dials a number.
  6. I turn towards them, grin, laugh maniacally, and attack them. (Do i have any weapons?)
  7. Very cool :)
    I need to comment on this though :3
    I feels a little weird to me that Moni starts talking in third person at some moment, while she also talks in first person.
    Oh, and: "They're child was born an Anima."
    I'm pretty sure you mean "Their child", but maybe I just misunderstood that sentence.
    Thank you for writing that though! :)

    I start running towards the treehouse at top speed, dodging the rocks.
    Already out of breath, just before the treehouse I trip.
  8. I crack open the Black Door and peek in.
  9. Mitsukai dials for the EMS and prays that someone picks up...
  10. The third person at the start is mostly the fact that she doesn't want to talk about it as being herself, since she doesn't like to share her past in the first place
    Oops, I didn't see that mistake xD I'll go change it now, thanks Sixx c:

    "....I'm fine, just a little tired..." I lie, faking a smile. Sonaria doesn't seem convinced, but she doesn't ask me anything else. I shake my head and steady myself , transforming back into a human. I take a step towards the door and sit down, looking outside "Well, now what...?"
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  11. (nope, you're kinda screwed xD)
    as you begin attacking them, another punches you on the nose, and you fall.
    It seems to glow purple...
    you feel a rumbling below you.
    "uh oh..."
    You know that a rock will shoot from below you.
    You see a guard doing patrols.
    "911, what's your emergency?"
    "um... we run? someone was bound to have noticed that..."
    I reply.
  12. "...Oh..." I say quietly "Let's go then..." I weakly smile
    We walk out of the hospital as calmly as possible, to attract as little attention as possible. I slowly look around and notice the market place of CresentLight "...Mind if we go have a look in the market? ...I do need a weapon and possibly a few supplies...."
  13. "sure."
  14. I get inside the treehouse as quickly as possible, but as I'm entering, I wonder if this was the right thing to do. I mean, what when the treehouse will collapse under the rumbling of the ground?
  15. I close the black door and go into the white one.
  16. I wait for Sonaria to lead the way forward but she just stands, waiting for me to go. I hesitate and stroll into the market. My ears are flooded with different voices, shouts of the sellers trying to get attention, little chats of the buyers deciding what to buy and frustrated grumbles of people who can't find what they need. I stop a second to take in all the voices, slightly shaken by all the unfamiliarity. The market place is bigger then it looked, but I think we can both get through it in time. I see a stall with weapons, another with what looks like potions and basic medical equipment and another which seems to have the recent spoils of a hunter's trip.... I turn to Sonaria "Any you'd like to see first?"
    607 likes this.
  17. You see a sleeping bag and a box.
    You see the exact same thing...
    "Your choice. Although I don't have any money yet... Maybe we should try to sell some stuff?
  18. "O-Oh..." I realise that I, also, have no money "Money.... Forgot about that.... But, what do we have to sell?"
  19. "Um... I'm not sure... we could work I suppose..."
  20. It seems like there isn't anyone sleeping in the sleeping bag. I'm thinking about looking into the box, but figure I probably shouldn't, because there might be private things in it. I just wait to see what'll happen, and if the rumbling will stop.