UPDATE: We've come up with the projects name: The Empire Trading Hive (ETH) Outlined the roles of people in ETH, and how you become a member. See below for details. ETH Members Roles and Responsibilities: ETH Admin: ( SamsimX, Ninjaboy5656, NZScruffy ) Admin are the owners and decision makers of The Empire Trading Hive. Responsible for making sure members follow rules, and review any players wishing to become members. This is an Invite-Only role. You cannot Apply They have ‘admin’ flag on the residence to do anything required. Reviews member applicants and approves new members. Can remove members from residence who break any rules of the project. Collectively decide on changes/improvements to the project. ETH Member: Members are approved players with unlimited access to the infinite villagers. You will have ‘villager’ ‘tp’ ‘namedtp’ flags, for unlimited access to all villagers. Free access to sugarcane. Must follow admin rules/instructions. Contribute to creation of new Infinite Villagers Admin may revoke your membership if any rules/conditions are broken. Member Review process: All players will follow this process for membership. Apply for membership here. An ETH Admin will contact you after reviewing the application You will be supervised while you create an infinite villager. You will sign a book confirming you accept the ETH conditions of members. Congratulations, you are a member, with full access to the ETH. EMC Players (non-members): Have ‘move’ and ‘tp’ flags, but not ‘enderpearl’ ‘namedtp’ or ‘villager’ flags. Have access to the ground level of ETH. With shops, etc.
We're expecting members to be relatively well-knowledgeable about them, and we confirm this through the application.
Well, as a member, you gain access to ALL of the villagers on the residence, but you also contributed by making 1 as "initiation".
It's at residence 12060 on smp6, move is turned off right now, but you can access it by doing /v pvp and heading south.
We will most likely give you a villager to make (most likely paper) but if you have something else we are in need of and would like to volunteer something like an exp bottle or glowstone we would be very appreciative. You will have around 45 minutes to an hour to make the villager with our supervision, so keep in mind that.
You can make other ones as well. When you mean the application, it works for me. Maybe not, because moderators have other, sometimes more important tasks to do, while regular players can spend their time how they want.
Sorry about the link guys, it should be fixed now, you just need to re-click the link in the thread OP.
Is anyone discouraged by the application or not wanting to answer some parts? If this is the case please PM me and we can work something out.