EMC's 1000th Day!

Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by RebelSpartan, Apr 30, 2014.


Will you participate?

Of Course! 21 vote(s) 56.8%
Maybe... 7 vote(s) 18.9%
Na... 3 vote(s) 8.1%
No 6 vote(s) 16.2%
  1. I like your thinking,
    cowland123 likes this.
  2. erm
    June 11th?

    But happy early 1000 days Justinguy.
  3. Hope fully da staff will notice this, then max will set up that thing on utopia where they had a staff meeting and us diamond supporters were flying around their stained glass place and we were all having fun crashing the party and everybody was like PARTAAAYYYY maybe we can have something like that again... Crashing the staff party..
  4. Glad to know you are all excited :D
  5. Bump! Remember to spread the word!
  6. What do you mean by "Na..." in the poll?
  7. Good idea cow
  8. Well Na... is supposed to be I dont think so/probably not and no is just plain out no.
  9. When is this??
  10. Ill be going as Krysyy and Ignoramoose, Krysyy on my main and Moose on my alt!
  11. June 11th that is when Justinguy is 1000th days (according to /p)
  12. Who Else Will Look Like Staff for a Day?

    Remember this is June 11th.
  13. 1000 days is a big deal, and staff should have a post on front page, imo.
  14. Lots of people think that. I think it would be cool, but we also have to understand the staff can get busy. They have to worry about all those other things in the game, development, and forums. This not being front page isn't a big deal to me, it's still over a month away. That is plenty of time for me to spread this forum around.

    I thank you all for your comments and participation in my idea. All I ask now is you help me spread this thread around. I will be putting this is my signatures recent tab too.

    *Hint: People will find out faster if you guys spread it around too!
  15. This is coming up soon :). I know its not the true 1000th day. But it is JustinGuys /p 1000th day.
    Ark_Warrior1 likes this.
  16. OMG it IS TOMARO!!
  17. actually, its only been 1,000 days since the /p feature has been released.. EMC is a bit older than just 1,000 days.. just, fyi :D
  18. I'm doing ICC, Torian or Jack :)