EMC's 1000th Day!

Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by RebelSpartan, Apr 30, 2014.


Will you participate?

Of Course! 21 vote(s) 56.8%
Maybe... 7 vote(s) 18.9%
Na... 3 vote(s) 8.1%
No 6 vote(s) 16.2%
  1. I've been in a NZScruffy skin for like two months =)
  2. Yeah, the 1000th was actually back in april. But thats no reason to cancel a celebration.
    southpark347 and battmeghs like this.
  3. As Crazy stated, this is the 1000th day of /p, not EMC :p
    southpark347 likes this.
  4. iam doing chickeneer
  5. well, i just realized when this thread was actually created xD lol
  6. I only bumped it because some people wanted me to let them no so they wouldnt forget :D
    Edit: That and the owner of the thread told me I could :confused:
  7. Well, technically he will still be wearing a staff member's skin :3
    607 likes this.

  8. I figured a mix would be cool...
    So here is me mixed with Aikar...
    (Btw sorry its so big lol)
    607 likes this.
  9. Who is wearing their skins?
  10. Im wearing my skin