Just so you all know, there is a huge difference in MB/s and Mbps... 1 MB/s = 8 Mbps. Both tests done like this: 1. modem *cable* 2. router extenderish thingy *wireless* 3. other extender *cable* 4. PC Yes my house is weird My new extremely fast pc: My 7 year old pc: Something weird is going on here lol... I btw pay for 60 Mbps download xD. When I'm using my wire, I even get up to 70 Mbps download...
That isn't always an option. I know, because there was no way I was convincing my parents to let me run a wire from the router across the house into my room This is pretty standard for me, sometimes upload gets up to around 20. I'm content
Why is your result so similar to this Todd? http://dannagle.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/googlefiberspeedtest.png
Well, Unless you post one that isn't cropped and from a year ago then no, I don't believe you. If were posting our results (Real results) then
Aww you did a google search of images on google fiber optics lol. You found me out, prank exposed! Fail alert!
Raleigh NC is a "top" city in the country that gets lots of things first.... We are being eyed by multiple people to bring Fiber to the Home (Google, ATT and a local company noones heard of). So I do have 3 potential companies to give me gigabit speeds eventually =P
tip: on the end result page, there is a tab for image version you can use to put directly into the post with [img]