[Promo] easter - Magical Eggcelent Wand

Discussion in 'Marketplace Discussion' started by NZScruffy, Apr 20, 2014.

  1. This eggifier will cut the prices of squid eggs and black dye (Ink Sacs) down quite a bit. But, I don't think the promo is worth more than 3k at most. 5k is a little much since all passive mobs can be farmed and bred in town, making their drops cheap along with their eggs. The only mob that cannot be farmed are squids (There is a way to farm them but it is SLOW).
  2. You mean farm them in town, or in the wild?
    And yea, farming them in the wild takes a while.
  3. If mojang ever adds new peaceful mobs I can see these going up in price as well.
  4. hmm...

    Suggestion to Aikar: allow this promo to eggify chickens for free :)
    FDNY21 likes this.
  5. Wow! This is a great promo! Definitely will cut squid/bat prices. :)
  6. I was not aware bats could be egged?
  7. Good point, I don't think they can be. >.< My mistake.
  8. Bat eggs can be egged.
    Try it
  9. Thanks for making it not soulbound :)

    I don't really need to, I believe you :p
    FDNY21 likes this.
  10. Can we egg enraged mobs? With this
  11. Nope.

    "Note that you can only eggify peaceful mobs, and it's not possible to eggify bats."
    FDNY21 likes this.
  12. It does not let you eggify anything you can not eggify with a normal stick. It just reduces the cost.