Sparx's TBGs: The Vending Machine of Power

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by ElectricSparx, Apr 15, 2014.

  1. You get a banana.
    I put in a goat.
  2. you get a cow

    i put in a ghast
  3. Two ghasts are coming out
    I put in my crappy old PC
  4. You get a crappier PC.

    I put in a canadian
    technologygeek likes this.
  5. You get someboday else
    I put in the crappier PC
  6. You get an amazing Atari ST.

    I put in a floppy.
  7. Out comes a floppier floppy
    I put in a cookie
  8. Out comes a rotten cookie.

    I put in a rupee.
  9. Out comes dust

    I put in a Notch_Agent
  10. Out comes Agent P.

    I put in a watermelon
  11. You get a pumpkin.

    I put in Justin Bieber. (I wonder how much he's worth :V)
  12. The vending machine spits him back out.

    I put in an ElectricSparx
    607 likes this.
  13. you get defluxer

    i put myself in
  14. You get dog poop.

    I put a genie in.
  15. You get a This Card Is Worth One Wish card.

    I put in a live badger.
  16. you get a dead badger

    i put in the badgers soul
  17. Nothing like a soul exists, so the machine broke :(, but ElectricSparx fixed it and the surprise was: a living badger came out and he lives now on my sofa.

    I put in my favorite coffee mug.
  18. Out comes a coffee mug with the writing "#1 Vending Machine".

    I put in Obama.
  19. Nice, now it is the favorite coffee mug of all my favorite coffee mugs

    Putting in Obama gives a peace Nobel price winner.
    I put in Putin, haha funny words
  20. You get a fish.

    I put in a fish.