Empire Wiki Contributor Application

Discussion in 'Empire News' started by IcecreamCow, Feb 25, 2014.

  1. Woo hoo thumbs up for a better detailed wiki.
    Good luck to our appliers!:D
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  2. Thought I'd share what the title looks like for anyone interested in applying, although keep in mind the job involves more than a name :)
    Nickblockmaster and mba2012 like this.
  3. can anyone who makes it in/anyone in set aside a section explaining buy and sell slots. i never remember which slots are which!
    kevdudeman, mba2012 and 607 like this.
  4. A section on using the forums will be very important for people also, use of
    along with
    and everything else will be very useful for the newer members.
  5. It's just order, the first is 1 and last is 27 or 54
  6. well i know that but noobs might not
    B4DMAN5IMON likes this.
  7. we the established know this, but a Wiki needs to be written for someone who knows nothing on the subject, it needs to be as vague as possible, try to imagine the player has only just minecraft and they're told empire is where to start, they don't know what a chest or a sign are, granted they can learn on gamepedia, but for our features we need to be as accommodating as possible.
  8. Adding to these points, a page on how to navigate the Wiki may be useful as well. I still struggle trying to find things, Firefloor guide the other day was exceptionally hard to locate under events, which is a tiny link in a side bar and nothing else (once there the article was unfinished and lacked visual representation). The images you have on the Guide homescreen could do with hyperlinking to relevant sections as well, they take up a lot of space and don't do anything at the moment but display how to complete the tutorial.
  9. I assumed you were talking in regard to not remembering it yourself - nonetheless it has been added :)
    Wiki navigation is horrible ATM, a restructure is on its way/in the works
  10. Wait.. so is there a possibility that a submission may not be shown(onto the dashboard)?
  11. Provided it says it submitted, it submitted.
  12. ETA on the Wiki Contributotroegtergts being added?
  13. Within the next 23 months.
  14. 23... that is like 2 years!?
  15. its only one year and 11 months, so not as long as 2 years :)
  16. Sorry. Please don't hurt me. D:
    neonkillah likes this.
  17. I am 99% sure (correct if wrong) that these have nothing to do with Square and the staff just use a google drive to view the applicants (Hence the google form being used). Again, please correct me if I'm wrong.
  18. well yeah, by dashboard i meant the google drive dashboard.