We are finished with our caves, and are removing ourselves from the planet's surface. Also there have been setbacks in designing a propulsion system for our planet, and our scientists say that it will take another 30 posts until we have a way to move our planet. When we do move our planet it will be as a spaceship. There will be 27 more posts before our moons are harvested.
And now Ira Didonis has a tractor beam and is starting space rock collecting! Yay! And Amor Didonis is sitting there. In the middle of nothing. Doing nothing. Nothing-ly.
Am I incorrect you need a single atom for a bomb? Also, as I noted, these are hydrogen weapons, not uranium.
Central: Activities: Selene, Tiger, and Lion, Artemis and Panther's moon base are finally complete! Any reports from them will be indicated using a number after the name of the moon. So like Artemis 1, Panther 2, Selene 3, and so forth. Solar System has been investigated! Here are the reports: Star: Axel P1 ??? P2 ??? P3 ??? P4 ??? P5 ??? P6 ??? P7 ??? "Inner" planets (1-4) has a total of 6 moons. "Outer" Planets (5-7) have upwards of 16. Reports on atmosphere, type, and size will be released in a few posts for all these new planets. In other news: Engines are being created to move entire planets. This will be using a new system called "Hyper Drive" which helps thrust ships and planets at amazing speeds. Will be completed in about 18 posts. Then will be installed (12 posts) for all current planets colonized by Pan. Update on Tech! All systems are now holographic and interfaces have been improved. Supa Secret: A huge space ship is being created as a travelling base. It is roughly the size of a large moon and will be completely manmade. to be completed in 43 posts. Other planets: Currently Rigel Space has been opened for all planets and put off lock down. Long live the Legacies of Earth!
A hydrogen bomb uses extremely high temperatures to try and break the Coulomb barrier to complete the act of fusion. That just means more time and money. Not cheap!
A few volts? I know that it is not a single atom, but I also know that a single atom gives aloft more than a few volts. That^ is someone speaking of what he does not know. I believe a hydrogen bomb has appx 11 pounds of hydrogen. (Notice, even though an isotope is required, it can still be obtained through breaking down water).
Actually fusion has been achieved several times. Why do you think we have many of the synthetic elements? H bombs work off of thermonuclear fusion.
(completely not your fault but wanted to point it out) The process of a hydrogen "bomb" (with the definition of bomb being a container filled with explosive, incendiary material, smoke, gas, or other destructive substance, designed to explode on impact or when detonated by a time mechanism, remote-control device, or lit fuse.) Does about 11 things all in a short time of detonation. The first of which is implode. The final thing is explode. The more you know.
Actually... This is a GAME not a Science Class. Not to be disrespectful but yes, you all are right. Porhos add a bit more time to your research projects like 12 posts at least. Boozle I will accept your factory for heavier elements as a RESEARCH department only, not a RESOURCE. And lahmaqr, stay awesome In fact Everything is Awesome xD
1. At this pound I am considering the fact you may be a PHD grad in nuclear mechanichs. Honestly, I hardly know a thing about nuclear physics, I know a slight bit from astronomy. (I am not an average guy who watches how the universe works/cosmos) I do plan to go to college with a major if general science and then get my masters/PhD in astronomy, but that is still 3 years to come. What I am saying, is that I am annoyed that I called you out on being OP and then you turn and say I am OP. Also, I am annoyed you are reading private spoilers. My forcefield was secret until you mentioned it.