Alright ever since EMC has come out with head drops for almost every creature in MC, I've been use a Looting III sword on every grinder/xp farm I can find. Now I've only gotten heads form a Natural Zombie Pig farm, and none from my Iron Golem(Natural), Skelly (Spawner), Zombie (Spawner), and the Utopia Ender man farm. I'm I really unlucky or are there reasons why I'm not getting head drops on my farms?
A player has to do most of the damage,plus someone told me that only Endermen in the Wild will drop heads.
I'm pretty sure this is true. Enderman in the end might work but once again you need to do majority of the damage.
The amount of damage shouldn't matter because I get a lot of heads from zombie pigman and only need to hit them once per head
Here is something interesting: "Looting does not impact EMC special drops." - Aikar There were several other interesting things in the thread.
I've heard of/seen every head dropped except of Mooshroom, Cave Spider, Villager, Iron Golem, and a Witch Head. They may be possible to obtain, but I don't know anyone who owns those specific heads. Also, they have to be naturally spawned mobs in order to get the heads, so Endertopia doesn't work(tested that), and spawners don't work. I may be wrong, but that's from what I've tested/heard. I think you should add two other heads that could be dropped by a Marlix/Momentus that's like 1/500 chance. That would be worth something to get.
Yea I killed one on smp7 the night it came out and got the enderman head. Also golem spawning in a village and iron farms should work.
the other option you have is to buy a bunch of alts, use skins that match the mob/animal you want, and then kill yourself repeatedly til you get your head LOL
I'm also curious to know if it is possible to get wither heads from killing the wither. I doubt it's possible, but it's worth asking.
Somone told me that you could change your skin to an enderman or something with a flat head and get your head. It looks the same.