"Cow After Dark Event" Mob Arena

Discussion in 'Empire Events' started by IcecreamCow, Dec 29, 2013.

  1. Ah, I see. Just make sure you host another one. ;)

    Edit: and at this event, crash the server. \o3o/
  2. trust me, cow has no problem crashing the server thus killing everyone.
    607 and xI_LIKE_A_PIGx like this.
  3. Perfect example of you snooze you lose :p
  4. The event was at like 2 AM for me... and I still went :p It takes dedication and all nighters to have a chance at winning a Mobarena. You only really need a few hours of sleep :)
  5. If it makes anyone feel better arena started at 10pm for me :)

    It did last 2 hours and 12min tho!

    I feel happy being one of the few that got to me in boss arena

    (Next time not recording and charging my laptop)
  6. I do not recommend crashing servers atm... I am unable to do anything about it if it goes down right now =P
    xI_LIKE_A_PIGx, 607 and jkjkjk182 like this.
  7. - and thus the county of EMC was founded in the middle of Antarctica -
    with good wifi of course
  8. Why is this still on the Front Page?