smp7 - jungle outpost

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by zulu9, Mar 13, 2012.

  1. Look, coming from experience, when these guys tell you NO, it comes of like they are all agent you, but rilly, these guys are some of the best on EMC, and a some are among the smartest and kindest people I know anywhere, so don't take offence from it, use it as constructive criticism. Have you heard of the Gangnam project, or the New Republic project?

    Also, I have an idea, of he can't communicate in words, as in telling us what he wants to do (My problem), maby we can clone the site, and he can show us on a test site.
  2. Are you seriously going to do this? All you had to do was tell us what you wanted to do :/
    Jakres, zulu9, shavingfoam and 3 others like this.
  3. Remember Shoreline Marketplace? That's being put on hold for.....



    Edge Gardens! A bunch of row houses where Leopard_Knight's house used to be.
  4. Yes, I've heard of both... I don't know the entire projects though..
    Eh. I think my LLO time is up. I'll still be active on the forum, but I have moved to my homestead just right out side of the LLO walls.
    Jakres likes this.
  5. Show us a screenshot of it.
    Jakres and Sunny_Chicken like this.
  6. Of my Homestead? No.
    Jakres likes this.
  7. :confused:

    If you do not want to tell in advance you can also make a new google site yourself.
    They can easily be copied over to new names as far as I know. But please respect that the people working on the current site at least want to know before major changes are made.
    If the changes / revamp you envisioned is good it will be copied.

    Of course just working with the community would be easier for both... :rolleyes:
  8. Aww.
    Sunny_Chicken likes this.
  9. Update:


    • Added roof.
    • Installed Furnaces, beds and workbenches.
    • Edge Gardens homes are now available (But still incomplete).
    • Replaced stairs on the top-half of the bay windows with slabs.
    • All other Edge Gardens homes will look similar to the one in the photo.
    If you want one, simply get rid of the "FOR SALE CALL 1800DUCKY" sign (Sign's yours) and if you want to, PM me to notify that it is taken.

    P.S Happy 2014!

    P.P.S If you hear skeletons, it's probably coming from the XP farm underneath (Free for public use). You can easily find it by the hole at the end of the pathway.
  10. Sorry to double post but I have an announcement to make. I may leave the LLO. I know it's sad but I am thinking about it is because I very rarely see any LLOers online at all (Even the thread's getting quiet). Even if I do decide to leave, I'll probably finish my current projects and then leave.
    Jakres likes this.
  11. :(
    zulu9, Jakres and Sunny_Chicken like this.
  12. Ah, like any true LLO citizen, you are always welcome here, and you will be back. hehehe ;D
    Jakres, zulu9 and Sunny_Chicken like this.
  13. Why is it so quiet?
    Jakres, Sunny_Chicken and zulu9 like this.
  14. There isn't much to talk about at the moment and some people are busy doing other things.
    Jakres, Sunny_Chicken, L0tad and 3 others like this.
  15. True words. :D
  16. After much thought, I have decided to stay in the LLO. My projects however, will be on hold until further notice.
    Jakres, Philovanrood, zulu9 and 2 others like this.
  17. That was a fast return. SCNR.
    But I am glad you decided that way. I guess some people use the LLO to take a vacation and you just need a vacation from the LLO ;)
  18. I never announce my random and spontaneous leaves of absence. I know that as long as Philo Towers are standing, I will be back from time to time, even if I have no ideas for new projects. I'm also traveling back and forth to Fai Lo Mura, my ancient village out by the eastern wall, but haven't made much progress out there. Replanting the forest has been slow and grinding, so my motivation to build more buildings has waned a bit.

    Like everything in Minecraft, everything is a work in progress, constantly evolving, never really reaching a state I could call 'done'.

    Keep evolving, folks! A world without change is a dead world!
  19. Im contacting you guys from singapore! yaaay! Is this on topic? no... but it's cool nonetheless!
  20. It's been really cold here lately, so I've been on MC a bit more the last couple days and got some stuff done....well, started, at least. hehehe
    Since the original had received so much creeper damage that only a little wool and the obsidian block at the top remained, (the original sign and some more wool blown to smithereens myself mid remodel with another deadly creeper/lag combo) I decided to revamp it a bit, albeit not as glorious nor expensive as the original....sorry SpaceShuttleFan. :( I hope everyone likes the new one. ;D

    Also, has anyone heard from spreelanka lately? I PM'd him/her(?) and haven't heard back yet. I've been itching to shave the top off their tower ever since they went ahead and built on my doorstep months ago and then disappeared. I wouldn't mind the whole thing gone, but I kinda like the bottom half, and would be willing to keep it. I would definitely wait until a proper LLO meeting has been had concerning it before I do anything sans hearing from spreelanka himself.
    Here is a pic of the building in question....kinda right in the middle of my other stuff (Philo Tower on right, small pointy building on left, connected underground by a tunnel, all there when spreelanka put the 'half-sphere' up.)

    Also also.....hehehe

    I am further developing the Philo Towers plaza. I now have space available for restaurants/food court, as well as space for shops and kiosks. If anyone is interested, PM me and ask to claim a spot and I'll fill you in on the details. Although I'm looking to fill the area in cosmetically, it would be nice to have a functional shop or two, not so much to make rupee profits, but just a more active place to make trades, free drops, gifts, maybe a cobblestone generator, or other generally useful service for other players to enjoy. It would be cool to see all the foods of MC available in the food court. Ol' Bessie the (whatever number we're on now) is already dispensing mushroom soup in the first suite, so let's see how many other foods we can get in there. ;D

    Peace to all! Happy minecrafting! ;D
    Jakres, Sunny_Chicken, zulu9 and 4 others like this.