Hello, I'm amadai.

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by amadai, Dec 9, 2013.

  1. Wait! Wasn't it you who had the amazing oak-log- mansion on smp3?
    Good to have you back!
    Eclipsys likes this.
  2. Welcome back to EMC! I'd love to get to know ya a bit better, as everyone's told me a lot about you. I also did some digging into EMC's history, and you seemed pretty important. So anyway, I can't wait to talk to you ingame! I hope you make some great builds! :)
  3. I actually just found the imgur album of a collections of screenshots for that mansion (thanks ISMOOCH!). I edited the link into my post, if you're interested.

    And thanks!
    607, mba2012, ISMOOCH and 1 other person like this.
  4. Welcome back :D
    I love seeing new and returning players ;)
  5. Seems like I remembered it right!
    I must admit that your mansion inspired me and that I think it made a statement really clear;
    If you want something really amazing and beautiful, it will take a lot of time and dedication.

    Again, I'm very happy with your return, even tho we never met before. I am looking forward to your futurebuilds and Ill gladly welcome you to smp4 *hinthint* ;)
    hashhog3000 likes this.
  6. I was actually thinking to add that mansion to my project in remembrance of another great EMC architect :p

    If you don't mind I still want to go forward with that :D
  7. Amazing! The only other person from Oregon has returned!
    mba2012, amadai, jkjkjk182 and 2 others like this.
  8. Hello, and welcome back! Glad to have met you yesterday on 7! Seems like you are a fun player!
  9. Welcome back, we sure had a nice chat today :)
  10. Welcome Back! :D
  11. Don't mind at all. Anyone is free to use or be inspired by anything I create in MC
  12. Welcome back! It's been quite a while :D
  13. Hello crazy!
  14. My exact reaction when I saw this thread.
    Welcome back, Amadai!
    mba2012, Eclipsys, princebee and 2 others like this.
  15. amadai!! woohoo!! Welcome Back!

    I remember your log mansion! It is beyond words how amazing it is/was. Pfft and you voted for me in the Lot Contest with my itty bitty log cabin?? HA! :D

    Great to see you and I hope all is well with you.

    amadai likes this.
  16. Wow, you have a lot of different personalities
    TomvanWijnen likes this.