Five, problem is that that statement is a little subjective You sure are one of my friends, but I said I haven't got no friends, so that means I have got friends So, that was true.My 9 truths 1 lie: 1. I haven't got no friends.(true) 2. I regularly drink soda. 3. Dizzy is one of my favorite game series. 4. I'm a boss in lucid dreaming. 5. I hate shopping. 6. I miss Lasluin(don't think that's a lie) 7. I got a dragon cave account. 8. I made many games. 9. I've got twitter. 10. I love going to school.
okay okay check it 1. My average shopping trip is 5 hours 2. I'm adopted 3. I had a pet hedgehog 4. I've had 2 cats 5. cac32234 is my friend irl 6. I live in the same state as cutejuliew 7. I play ultimate frisbee 8. I take jogs with my mom though I don't enjoy them 9. I volunteer at a shelter taking care of cats 10. I didn't go on the forums until about a month after I joined EMC
Unsolved 9T 1Ls: If any of these are solved or if any that are unsolved aren't on this list let me know please Edit: Just realized how massive this list is o.o
As far as I know mine is unsolved re-reading thread to see if someone guessed and didn't quote my original post
I know...I meant rereading your whole thread to see if someone guessed my lie but did not "quote" my post so I did not see their guess. Sorry XD It was a little confusing
Do I like muffins, or love them? Therefore it's a lie. ;3 My truth is well hidden; probably an obvious lie when first looked at.
1: 9 is a lie 2: 3 is a lie 3: 4 is a lie 4: 2 is a lie 5: 8 is a lie 6: 1 is a lie 7: 5 is a lie 8: 10 is a Lis 9: 7 is a lie 10: 6 is a lie Jk 1: I have huge feet 2: I own a large watch collection 3: I was born in Colorado 4: I am about 6'1 5: my hands cover my entire face 6: I am 13 7: I mess with stocks as a hobby 8: I am an A+ student 9: I hate chocolate 10: I love biking