9 Truths 1 Lie & If You Could Go Back

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Caeyde, Nov 10, 2013.

  1. Questionable Logic.
  2. you can count to ten, that is a truth
  3. XD well yes... :p
  4. I can count to ten wasn't one of his statements though, so...
    1. I tower over everyone I know.
    2. Daggerfall is my favorite Elder Scrolls game.
    3. The Street Fighter III soundtrack is basically the only Hip-Hop I like.
    4. I hate crows.
    5. My favorite Mountain Dew is the blue kind.
    6. I'm a picky eater.
    7. My favorite color is Yellow.
    8. I have made (and use) over 70 Minecraft skins.
    9. I have nearly beaten the world record for the fastest 100% completion of the original Legend of Zelda.
    10. I had helped my friend make a portable Nintendo 64.
  5. 8
  6. still haven't got dis guessed yet
  7. 9
  8. nerp.
    L=L0√1-v2/c2 is the equation to determine the length of something when it travels at near to light speeds. L is the length, L0 is rest length (When the object is stationary) and I forgot what V and C are :oops:
  9. Technically I am right then
  10. but I know what it is :p it's the equation to determine the length of an object travelling at near-light speeds :p
    607 likes this.
  11. Negative
  12. keeeeeep going....
  13. This is a easy one: (Reward: 500r)
    1. I have a Xbox 360 and gaming PC
    2. My Steam profile name is "Iamacreeper"
    3. I hate noob spies on TF2
    4. I joined EMC since early 2013
    5. I have a customized pink skin that I seldom use
    6. I think that social games are stupid
    7. I have a broken gaming headset
    8. In real life, I love to stay alone
    9. I love messing with cops in GTA
    10. I got my first multikill in BF4 with a hand grenade.
  14. 4
  15. 1. I love seafood.
    2. I once had a pet crayfish who was exiled from the fish kingdom because he was a mass murderer and was then forced to live on macaroni in a tiny glass prison for the remainder of his life.
    3. Hashhog is the name of one of my pets, and that's where the beginning of my name, Hashhog3000, came from.
    4. I cannot whistle.
    5. I have an extremely realistic bark.
    6. I have bottle-fed a manatee calf.
    7. I am a SCUBA diver and have been on a night dive.
    8. Though I normally cringe at blood, I have never been squeamish while feeding my snake dead mice.
    9. One of my favorite subjects is Christopher Columbus, who I find fascinating.
    10. I am skilled at creating destructive launchers from pens and rubber bands.

    Nine are truth, one is a lie. I actually love this game!
    607 likes this.
  16. 9?
  17. 50 r to who can guess it
    1. The lie is at 6
    2. Ooooh I forgot I wrote it on 4
    3. Well, it's not here maybe to 7
    4. Wow where is my head today, check 3
    5. No? Try 8
    6. Sorry, it's at 9
    7. I'm sure it's at 5
    8. Wow guess not try 10
    9. Nope back to 2
    10. It's for sure at 6
    5chris100 likes this.
  18. Guess?