
Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by Dean_Catterson, Jul 31, 2013.

  1. Hi everyone,
    Some of you may know me, most of you probably didn't even know I was still lurking around my 'lil' hole in the ground under Creeper Island. I would like to help the town and its neighbors by starting a sheep farm. The problem is I'm better at growing then selling. I don't get out much so I'm not sure if there is a general store in town or a block store or even if anyone would be willing to make a partnership with me to sell the wool.

    If anyone is interested please drop me a pm

    Thank you for your time
    hollyhill105 and Dean_Catterson like this.
  2. If you need wheat for your bakery, I can help with that.
  3. You have no idea how refreshing it is to finally see a new business emerge in the city! Great stuff here

    In other news I will be opening my highly anticipated carrot superstore in the very near future!

    We also have a number of jobs available for people to do around the city. Here is a listing.

    Subway Engineer.
    Description: Yes, Wrem is finally developing a full scale subway system! However, we need help digging the lines under the ground! Drop me a PM to be added to this engineering unit and we will get started asap :)
    Pay: 300r/hour
    Times: Whenever I'm in the city (can agree in PM)

    Road Engineer.
    Description: Wrem needs a few more roads to connect it with the rest of the local area. The most necessary is a road to Tinney Island, a specialised farming land East of Inzoino that is the base of production for the Food branch of RET Industries. A rail link could also work. PM me to be added to the team.
    Pay: 200r/hour
    Times: See PM

    More updates as they come ;)
  4. Oh Oh Oh! Hold on that! I have been working on an automated subway system! I'll have to PM you with some info about it.
    Dean_Catterson likes this.
  5. Does anyone have any land claims on this land?

    If not, I was thinking we could build a small mining town there, as it seems we don't really have any dedicated mining spots.
  6. I believe it's part of wrem. It's also a bit close to the town I can't spell.
  7. Map shows its outside, but it is close to the other town, but I could move the land. I want the town to be part of the Wrem state, just a separate town in it.
    hollyhill105 likes this.
  8. There is a mushroom biome north of most of the place. I am planning to go there...it seems untouched.
  9. legit, it is wremian territory, but it is close to inzonio soooo ..... the city is abandoned, nobody has any buisiness there, soo ... i believe it wouldnt cause any concern to start a mine there
  10. The area is within the state of Inzoino, annexed by Wrem earlier this year. I wouldn't mind a mining town, but before one is begun, we should really get the permission of the owner of that area, Lotad. If you get this, go for it. Just be aware that a rail line is planned for that area soon, so either avoid that or adapt the town to include it :)
  11. Where do you plan to make the rail go through the area? I'm sure I could include a spot just for a small rail station.
    Dean_Catterson likes this.
  12. L0tad says I can, so I'll start soon. :)

    I'll be calling the town Pines, even though there are no spruce trees in the area. :p (Pines comes from the name of the first neighborhood I lived in.) For right now, I will be making three of each of the lot types, residential, (houses) commercial, (shops) and industrial. (Smelting plants, crafting plants, etc.) The town will be able to boost the company's in Wrem, which uses lots of materials, and will also be able to help our island friends in Estona, who don't exactly have lots of places for mining. I'll be building the residential lots first, and will post when they are ready to be built on. :)
    L0tad likes this.
  13. Great stuff legit! May look to invest in the mining sector soon. The town will eventually become part of the super city we thought up guess this is the first step of its developement

    Also looking to create a fully operational rail system across the nation when I can, so got to get a lot of people working on that.
  14. how about creating a new district for the city of wrem, instead of a seperate town, that way we can keep a close eye on development, and maybe styling it like stoneguard ... i love the tudor design, and it will hopefully boost tourism in the city ... Thoughts guys ??
    Dean_Catterson likes this.
  15. The problem with that is that the underground of Wrem isn't exactly prime mining, due to it already being mined a lot, and due to basements and the subway that will be built, so having it outside seems better. As for part of Wrem, it would become part of the supercity that I guess is being built, so I would like to leave it there to become part of that.
    hollyhill105 and Dean_Catterson like this.
  16. I have now begun work on Pines!

    So far, there is my house and a empty house plot behind mine. Of course, more plots will be added soon, but not before I make a farm and add some more torches around. Anyone who is part of the state of Wrem may come and live here in Pines. :) Also, the building code in Pines is pretty much the same as Wrem, no Netherrack (Unless for a fireplace, of course.) and keep cobble and dirt to a minimal. I will also be changing the cobble road to something better once we get some more plots and a farm in place. :)
    mba2012 likes this.
  17. The Pines tri-color is up!

    The Black represents Coal, the Gray represents Iron, and the Yellow represents Gold. I would have had Blue for Diamonds instead of Yellow for Gold, but the Blue conflicted with the other colors, so I went with Yellow.
    cddm95ace and Dean_Catterson like this.
  18. About the pines....where is it?
    I may like to see if it is close enough to my planned mushroom kingdom.
  19. South of Inizno and a little East.
  20. Planned kingdom? Might I ask where?