Community Discussion: Reset of Wilderness / Nether / End?

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by JustinGuy, Mar 6, 2012.


Please read the entire topic before voting

Poll closed Mar 9, 2012.
Yes - Reset the non Town worlds WITH a weeks notice and special features during that time 399 vote(s) 89.5%
No - I want them all to stay the way they are now, do not reset 47 vote(s) 10.5%
  1. There is no way to avoid this unless for example, it's setup in such a way that you can only open the Vault once in the Wild. Of course, people will complain about that too.

    So if it does go down the route of free Vault access during the week pre-reset, make the most of it and consider it as a reimbursment for disruption caused.

    I know I will. :)

    As for making the area outside the Spawn zone ore-less, it wont change a thing. It just means the destruction will be that bit further out.
    cnquast and Call_Me_DeJaja like this.
  2. What does the 3 days gain you? You should be able to unload TONS of goods in a single day with free /vault.

    It's looking very likely that wild will reset, so you could optionally start destroying things now and packing them into a chest for easy moving when /vault is enabled.
  3. also, "abuse" is not a proper word to call it. Theres nothing wrong about using the /vault to ship items back to town. It's just a little "cheap" and takes away survival aspect.

    But if people use it to collect more resources in 1 trip during this period, more power to them. it's not abuse.
    Call_Me_DeJaja and EdmundWayne like this.
  4. I would love to say yes, but Id only say that when the Explorable areas have been explored, Would a reset be good for the MC Economy? Yes (Massively) but Id still do a reset once the explored parts have been explored.

    I understand some parts are not explorable, but there's still plenty. Alot of us have had to go out for hours to obtain some of the resources and I reckon some would feel a kick in the teeth for it to be reset till all possible areas are explored.

    Yes I want the wilderness reset, but not till then.

    just my 10 cent
  5. I think at some point of time we have to reset the wilderness etc. anyways... so why dont just use this chance?
    A YES, PLEASE RESET from me!
  6. Added to the first post, great idea.

    They would be in the same place as they were (same location in the world). The game is smart enough to move them up or down so they dont fall to their death or drown in lava.

    End glitch has been fixed, I will be turning it back on today.
    IPwnCreeps likes this.
  7. I'm up for it.
    Guess me and my friends will start destroying our little island village then, so we still have our resources when we will rebuild it afterwards :)
    bloodfangx likes this.
  8. Can we greif wild creations if it resets? >:) i never grief cause ill get banned but now, its gonna reset anyhow
  9. People may want to collect resources from their creations, it'd be wise not to grief.
    JustinGuy likes this.
  10. Interesting... but I see some people spawning in the middle of an ocean!

    But this is good for people who have gone really far into the wild, as they can just login where they were and resetup shop.
  11. Ohh but ill destroy MY OWN creations with tnt >:/
  12. No, It will still get you perma banned.

    also, "I won't grief because I don't want to be punished" is the wrong attitude and not the way you should be thinking...

    You should be saying "I don't grief because I think its wrong to destroy other peoples hard work"
  13. Kk cani destroy my own creations
  14. If it's yours, sure. If it was a joint effort with other people, get their permission first.
  16. If you built it, you can destroy it. If you decide to blow it up with TNT, just be aware of other players and do not hurt them directly.
  17. Yes if the 1.2 seeds are anything like 1.1 it will have HUGE oceans. This would be a problem, just make sure you hold down the space bar I guess lol.
    GameKribJEREMY likes this.
  18. Ummmm i wont use tnt *cough im gonna use tnt cough*
  19. I cant wait to break into new caves, find my own diamond, and see the creation of awesome architecture... Cant Wait...