Uh, so this means what?

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by mba2012, Oct 1, 2013.

  1. You can just go to Thailand or somewhere for that, far cheaper :p
    We have more animal rights groups than human rights groups here... :p
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
  2. PandasEatRamen, jkjkjk182 and mba2012 like this.
  3. -redacted. Post explained below :p.

    I wondered if that was the article I remember reading, where all the women got plastic surgeries and were cheap and went elsewhere and were pretty butchered.

    As far as plastic surgery I think it should be available only for cases like cancer, serious health risks, wounds and gender reassignment. Not because someone wants tata's so big they have their own flotation device.
    AlexChance and mba2012 like this.
  4. This is odd. Obamacare says that everyone MUST have health insurance. What if they can't afford it? And if they are giving out free insurance to who can not afford it, then that may end up worse than Aikar!
  5. I hope I didn't offend you. :( I agree that plastic surgery due to cancer and such is ok, as it is part of the cancer treatment. But things like getting a birth mark removed, "male enhancements", and stuff like that would be a waste, as long as it is an extra. I shouldn't have generalized plastic surgery like that, mistake on my part. And by gender changes, I mean 100% paying for it. Co-paying would be acceptable, but I personally would be upset if they were just handing them to people right and left.
    mba2012 likes this.
  6. It did at first but after you explained what you meant I see what you're saying. Currently the way those plastic surgeries are dealt with you have to have Psychological evaluations and things done and long term things before they do them. I've read that even though they do hand out plastic surgeries in the UK, those still require a lot of things and they're not handed out like free donuts like it may seem like. I've read a lot of this stuff being stuck with just a phone and limited to facebook because of no 3G lately. :I

    I think the main reason it irked me was because so many people pretty much abuse plastic surgery and it should be for people like cancer patients and such. My cousin just had to have skin grafts for his leg because he fell on a jagged stump. Those I get. But if you decide "Oh hey I need some HUGE milk factories because society says I'm tiny" that shouldn't be allowed or you should have to pay for that 100% :/
    L0tad, jkjkjk182 and mba2012 like this.
  7. And comment of the year award goes to......
  8. She is British and got free breast implants. I think the reasoning was that her original smaller size was hurting her modeling career. The article was about how she wanted them taken out(for free again, of course) because she said that they were too big and were hurting her modeling career. Whoever approved the original surgery should have had the sense to realize that she might simply not be suited to modeling. But then, it was free, right? How could a bit of unnecessary surgery hurt?

    I linked it because I keep hearing about how perfect "free" health care is from non-Americans and wanted to point out that regardless of who pays for what some unfair things are going to happen.

    Entitlements have a bad reputation in this country for good reason. One of my relatives makes purchases for the Army. He's receiving pensions from previous government jobs. He is receiving disabled veteran's checks, but the fact that he is disabled by arthritis in my opinion has nothing to do with his being a Coast Guard veteran. His wife and parents also have/had state and federal jobs. Anyway, he was at work the other day whining into Facebook about how he had to come to work even though he expected to be sent home. He said he didn't feel motivated.

    What did he post today? He and his wife are going on a cruise. I almost suggested that he should diversify his income if he thinks a government shutdown is endangering his vacation time.

    The US government is the largest employer in the world without even including our military. If we can layoff 800,000 people as non-essential I wonder whether we really needed them in the first place.
    PandasEatRamen, mba2012 and jkjkjk182 like this.
  9. Genius. /sarcasm.

    Yeah I see what you mean. Sent home/discharged after having to deal with PTSD and flashbacks. That I can understand, the arthritis not so much.
    mba2012 likes this.
  10. There are some strange things in this world...
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
  11. I would like to thank everyone who has liked my coment and the people who made this possible *Raises trophy and smiles*
  12. ADMIN FIGHT! >=D
  13. The NHS are messed up though :p

    E.G, for something other than orthodontics :p:
    My appendix is really messed up. Eventually, it's going to burst. This could be within the next day, or maybe the next 20 years. But they're only allowed to remove it after it's burst, so they can be sure it is my appendix and not 'waste' resources and stuff.
    When it bursts, I can go and get it removed free of charge. If England was America, i'd be paying £926 or £1111 up front. If I didn't have that money, i'd have to die a horrible and painful death ;)

    *Also NHS care is one of the reasons why the UK is now out of recession :D*
  14. No. Actually in America, you would go to the hospital and get it treated then you would have to work with the hospital to pay it off. If you have no insurance and can't pay it they will allow you to only pay a percentage of it depending on your income. That is how it worked when my son was in the hospital a year ago. What they offered me was a no interest loan and I now pay a rather reasonable monthly premium. If I had no income I would be covered under Medicaid. If I had fallen somewhere in between they would have discounted some or all of it.

    My mother in law had back surgery a little over a year ago and was having a problem paying her bill. She is over 65 and this was for the amount that was not covered by Medicare. My wife got involved because she was having a problem keeping up with all her bills, called the hospital to try and arrange some smaller payments, and they told her they would take care of the whole thing. No more hospital bill.

    One of the problems that the affordable care act is supposed to resolve is when people with no insurance and no/low income currently go to the emergency room because they know they cannot be turned away. Instead of going to the doctor or paying for preventative care it ends up costing everyone more.

    I picked on the NHS because I remembered that implant article but I am sure I could Google something similar on any health care system in the world, including the ones I keep hearing are so much better.

    By the way, how is what Jake_Bagby described: pay higher taxes in order to pay for health care, any different from paying for insurance? The only difference I can see is that it makes the government the insurer.
    PandasEatRamen likes this.
  15. It is different in the way that you are not directly paying for insurance. Taxes go to the government spending pot right? They then distribute funding to different departments e.g. NHS, education, policing. Yeah I see what you mean, but only a percentage of what you pay in taxes will go to health care and the rest of the money will go to other departments like I've stated above, at least, I think that's how it works over here. :)
  16. In both cases you pay someone and they hopefully take care of you when the time comes. For some reason I feel more trust for someone who earns their living selling insurance and competing with other people who also sell it, than in a government entity that has interests other than insuring my health, has no competition, and nothing to keep it honest other than itself.

    You are from North Wales. Does the royal family get the same health care your family does? What about the PM or Parliament? Do they all pay in to your system? I'll bet if SoulPunisher was Prince SoulPunisher he'd have that appendix taken care of before it was even a problem. Most likely because he wouldn't be using the same health care system as you peasants. And I don't call you peasant as an insult. I think that I hold an equivalent status here relative to our leaders.
    mba2012, jkjkjk182 and Jake_bagby like this.
  17. ha, don't even get us started on the "Royal" family, as far as I see, every penny spent on them is a waste.
  18. I agree with rainbow, the royal family is a complete waste of space. I don't even care if you think that's 'un-patriotic' of me, they do nothing to help our country, except waste our money. Of course they don't use the NHS, they probably use top private hospitals being paid by us. Didn't say I liked everything about our government, I just think the NHS is something they're doing right (even though it has been under tough scrutiny of the last couple of years because of failing to meet standards and not having enough resources) That £30+ million that we spend on them every year would be put to a lot better use if we didn't have to fund them.
  19. I was just looking and Wiki says that the UK pays about 8.4 percent of its domestic product for health care. That is a little more than the 8% that we will be able to get credit for our health insurance in taxes with this new act, so that at least is sort of in line with the UK but ignores who pays who. I see you can also get private insurance there and opt out.

    So, you guys from the UK - I see the NHS was started in 1948 and there have been some reforms along the way. We are really comparing an old system that is accepted with a new one. I wonder how it was accepted then and how would it go over now if they were to change it substantially like we are doing here?

    I'm pretty convinced that the US is just trading one set of problems for another and that we both still have the same underlying one of cost that we have had all along. You guys are just not being asked to change what you have become used to as we are.
  20. I just have one thing to say, I hate politics :)

    That being said, we would've never been in this mess if the political party never existed, i believe G.W. was right after all :)

    And with that being said, when presented with 2 evils, go for the lesser of those, think about hat next time you vote.