Uh, so this means what?

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by mba2012, Oct 1, 2013.

  1. Australian politics is the same, but it's very sexist :p
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
  2. All this talk about government makes me think about this.
  3. And what do you have against communism?
    I mean... yeah, it never worked right, and its incredibly difficult to implement but....
    Well, actually, the initial and after effects of the Communist Revolution in China could be considered a snippet of evidence for communism, but the Cultural Revolution in the middle was a big flop.
  4. Well the idea is good, but it is impossible to do it right without being oppressive and corrupt, kind've like Utopia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Utopia_(book)
    NetherWorld666 likes this.
  5. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Animal_Farm
    penfoldex and mba2012 like this.
  6. Hey, I love that book! I have an old copy on one of my bookshelves. (When I say old, I mean old) :D
    I must argue, that the two words, oppressive and corrupt, are not necessarily synonymous. A certain degree of oppressiveness is expected in a communistic government, but that's to be expected in any government, regardless of type. Corruption is the big problem, but if it could be removed, then one of the largest factors hindering a successful communist state would be removed.
  7. in other words: a society ruled by god
  8. ...? Theocracy? What?
  9. not Theocracy! a society ruled by god himself
  10. multi million dollar vacations... every other week. when half of the American people like me, can't even afford to keep food in the fridge. lol >.<
  11. Slightly unfair don't ya think?
    IcecreamCow and battmeghs like this.
  12. Not really. Obama does take way too many extravagant vacations.
    mba2012, IcecreamCow and battmeghs like this.
  13. That's what I was saying.
    battmeghs likes this.
  14. I see how that coulda been confusing, but he was saying it's unfair that Obama does that.
  15. Oh, I thought you were saying she was being unfair to Obama.
  16. I find it amusing when people think the Affordable Care Act is better than Obamacare, when Obamacare is just a nickname for Affordable Care Act... xD :p This should be on topic, because the government is shutting down because of a disagreement of the Act. :p
  17. -Then finds out the servers are all broken :(
    mba2012 likes this.
  18. From a conceptual point of view though, as a non-American, I don't understand why so many Americans oppose free healthcare in principal. You have free education, and surely free education and free healthcare are effectively about on the same level of importance? It just makes no sense, in my opinion.

    Perhaps this "Obamacare" is indeed too complicated, but I assume the reason it's complicated is that Republicans would block anything that just simply gave some sort of free healthcare, on principal. The majority of "developed" countries have found some sort of way of introducing it, so it still makes no sense to me! I don't want to accuse another country of being corrupt, because that's quite rude, but what is being done does not seem to be in the country's interest at all, to me!