You barely fit your hand through, and find a kill switch. You pull it, and grab the dagger. You feel energy pulsing through you.
You press: G G Y B B Y Y Y Y O O O R. The security camera starts changing to different places on the ship, until it finally blows up. You then hear: FQcJWY FQJWY FQJWY XDaXYJR XMZYeITBS FQJWY FQsJWY FQJWY XDXYJR XaMZYITBS FQJWY FQJrWY KTWHJI XcDXYJR XMZYITBS FQJyWY FQJWY FQJWpY JXHFUJ HTIhJ NX ZeU ZU ITBS ITBS QJKY WNLrMY QJKY WNLMY F G F G 5 You have reason to believe this is some sort of code.
I throw my gger to one of them, and incinerate the other 2 with my blue flames, that are twice as hot as normal fire.
I'd like to just get rid of my reply and let Rend leave so Nether can introduce his new chara Also, Prince? Can I introduce another character of my own? But, as an animal instead of a human I'd love to join someone's roleplay as a companion ^Not ours, a different one