Rules: Post something you want but for whatever reason (feel free to share but you dont have to) you can't have it Please Keep it appropriate Ill start: A pokeball like the one shown below, doesnt even have to be a luxury ball The problem is my parents would think its a waste of money, and its rather expensive, with each one being about $100 usd
Sapote... can't have it at the moment because tropical fruit tends to get a bit expensive where I live, and I am not gonna spend 90 dollars on a 10 lb box of fruit that tastes like chocolate pudding, as amazing as the sounds.
A new laptop A gaming PC The PS4 with BF4 and GTA V A Lamborghini Aventador Rims and a paint job for my Civic Umm, and maybe this: Or even this:
I have none of the munneez. the 13th blu ray
A daft punk head with real chrome. they sell on ebay for 2500 bucks a piece. they are models but they have working LED's and (like i said earlier) real chrome.
I will destroy the world unless you meet my demands. One Miwion Dollars! EDIT: 90's kids will get this
Too much to list here. Recently though happiness, a house, money, better internet so I can come back online with everyone here and not be stuck hoping for hiccups in 3G that let me on when I don't have data Being stuck with only facebook, twitter and skype kinda bites.
SR4 is basically SR3 but with superpowers. Which you get in SR3. It isn't worth the money. Anyway, my 'want' is to have been born 3 years earlier, as my mum refuses to break the law and let me play GTAV despite me actually owning it.