Yeah, SOPA is back... -.- If you didn't know already, SOPA is a group of people that think it's right to prosecute people (put them in jail) if they post anything that contains copyright. They also want to shut down websites that contain anything copyright So YouTube - Gone Facebook & Twitter - Gone Igmur, Instagram - Gone Even here would go! We have copyright characters on our signatures and profile pictures! Me and many many others could be put in jail just for drawings a fan art Say I drew Pikachu And posted it on the Colours! Gallery If SOPA goes ahead I could be sent to jail and have a criminal record just for that! Now I'm not asking for much, I'm just asking for you to sign the petition to stop this stupid group #ColorsAgainstSopa
"Created: Aug 22, 2013" You might want to sign it again, they we're stopped 3 years ago but they're back again
Empire Minecraft would be forced to shut down, or monitor EVERYTHING before it's allowed onto the forums.
You couldn't tell from my Kirito skin right over here? <---------------------------------------------------------
Somehow, living in Europe means having like 50% less idiots and morons. (yeah, we still have those, that's the other half). So, if they'd ever try something like this in Europe, it'd be shot down practically instantly. Also, i don't think we have those idiotic politicians saying stuff like: "I'm proud to be signing stuff like this without knowing a damn about it "
We love this little SOPA's desktops, the information on them goes to the Internet Oh btw, SOPA, if your reading this, I hope you fail as much as US did when they wanted Bradley back. Also love the new bill of rights