COD Ghosts Multiplayer Reveal/Discussion Thread

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by AmusedStew, Aug 12, 2013.

  1. Yea, its called survivor, and to be honest it might be the first Eminem song I actually like.
    wisepsn and TheSkidz like this.
  2. This is NOT the real IW. That IW is called Respawn Entertainment now and developing for EA.
    From what I saw was the same old same old. Just polished piece of shhhhh. But in all honesty, it looks decent at best and it seems the keep pumping out less and less interesting game modes to play. The guns still are not realistic enough(firing wise) and the whole gameplay to slow down scene really started to PMO.
    Overall, this would be a Redbox Rent for me and only the hardcore COD fans should be disappointed at this "game".
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
  3. Nah, throw a few flashbangs, c4 even some launchers if you need lol
  4. had no idea about it till they emailed me the video
  5. I watched the reveal earlier today when they played the trailer and song like 20 times lol.
  6. If the give me multiplayer bots, with the game types and customization as regular online, I will likely buy it. I enjoy bots, but online it just too... cheaty (most of the time)... feeling for me.
  7. If Treyarch/Activation ever want to make a COD game that could be way different than others, they can always use a war that has pretty much never had games around it. (Looking at you, WW1.)
    PenguinDJ and jkjkjk182 like this.
  8. I think the War of 1812 would be better for them.
  9. After i saw the reveal of the multiplayer i think this is gona make me to pre order it lol
  10. I just watched, and I have to say, they certainly have done their job of pushing it into next gen.
    Will certainly get me wanting an Xbox One :)
  11. If only i had 500 bucks to spare xD
  12. There will be, it's called squads. The bots jump and drop shot, and play their role. You can create a squad from your multiplayer online arsenal and select up to 5 to play with you, against other bots.

    I just watched it, and, wow, that was good. I can't wait... Definitely getting The ps4 now.
  13. Although it is coming to this gen too :)
  14. Eminem Song is epic. I might be getting the next gen console this year.
  15. Hmmm, sounds interesting. They should release more details on how "playerlike" they will be. I will be disappointed if the beginning of every match is grenade lobfest.
  16. I know. Another game I want is Elder Scrolls Online, coming in spring 2014, only on next-gen counsels.
    cddm95ace likes this.
  17. Invest in a PC :p
  18. Multiplayer looks so good :)
    TheSkidz likes this.