Project Crossroads Union: A wild project

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by Mrlegitislegit, Jul 4, 2013.

  1. ROLF
    Jake_bagby likes this.
  2. Look, don't, just don't.
    jkjkjk182, NINJATTILA, L0tad and 2 others like this.
  3. my friend kevinwelch2001 has a town why should we join. when you give me the reasean why i will tell him about it. it sounds like a good idea.
  4. Accepted I'll get you the coords
  5. Yea >_< Napoleon, it's best to just leave us alone, because we don't want to cause any problems, or flamewars on our outpost thread. Thank you, have a good day.
    (I'm sure you can guess why we don't want that topic to be brought up to...)
    NINJATTILA, L0tad and mba2012 like this.
  6. after reading over your stuff and thinking about it i wont sign my towns up. but good luck...... maybe in the future when/if you remove the abilty for the people to overthrow the current goverment..... i could set up a trade route with the towns the join your cross road project.... later i am going to put up a post about my towns..... from kevinwelch2001 on my alt account.... pm if you would like to set up a trade route...
    napoleon3665 likes this.
  7. Err, I'm not sure what you're reading, but there is nothing anywhere giving people the ability to overthrow the government, mainly because we don't have one.
    NINJATTILA likes this.
  8. re read the very first post he said towns people can overthrough the current goverment or ruleing even though there is no federal goverment so go back to the bigining and re read it.
  9. Overthrowing will only happen if your outpost has a bad government. It's not like random people can just come and take over your outpost. The founder of the outpost/town is still in charge as normal, it's just that if problems arise, the people can take it to the Committee.
    NINJATTILA, L0tad and mba2012 like this.
  10. I'm pretty sure one of the founders would know the rules.
  11. By overthrow, I don't mean "Run in with rifles and shoot the government", I mean you can negate the government if you and the rest of the town feel that the towns local government isn't fulfilling its duties. As there is no federal government, the towns government can't be replaced by a federal placed government.
    NINJATTILA and mba2012 like this.
  12. LAWL!
  13. Look, from NR leader to NR leader, can you please stop this. We don't want a worse name than we already have.
    brickstrike likes this.
  14. Guys, calm down. Go throw yourself into rage fight somewhere else.
    NINJATTILA and penfoldex like this.
  15. lol l0tad, im not an NR leader anymore, and you never were an NR leader, except for that town that you call inizio that nobody ever went to.

    If you think that you can start your own wild outpost, change the name a bit, and hope that you still dont look bad, you're wrong. People remember who you are...either way, good luck with crossroads union, you're gonna need it. :)
  16. Look, we love your opinions on our outpost, but, you don't need to go look for trouble. I ask that you delete your posts, because I don't need regular EMC members, clicking on our thread, and seeing nasty comments. It's just plain rude. If you don't, me and others in the committee will ask a moderator to. It's that simple. Good day to you sir.
  17. Continue this argument to who's who's in NR in a convo. This is final time I'm going warn you guys about derailling threads about NR next time this happens going to be consequence to your actions.
    mba2012, jkjkjk182, jacob5089 and 7 others like this.
  18. Things here got quiet ....
  19. I wont be able to get on for a few days. The graphics card on my PC burnt out or something, and I need to send it in for a new one.