What's one thing that makes you very angry, very fast?

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by SpaceShuttleFan, Jul 15, 2013.

  1. Boi, you'd better not be talkin bout me. :p
    ThirstyMoose likes this.
  2. nahh dawg :)
  3. I'm like that with my political views :oops:
    brickstrike and Jimbonothing64 like this.
  4. I hate it when your friends say something bad to you and then to defend themselves whatever they say to me (confidential) they say I always talk about its a wonder I haven't gotten sent to the office for making one of them unconscious
  5. What annoys me: People who ignore what I say.
  6. This may seem silly, but it made me very mad. So I bought Bath & Body Works lotion for a friend as a going away present. Her favorite scent was discontinued, so I bought off of ebay from a 1500+ rep seller, with a 100% rating. This seller only sells lotions, shampoos, perfumes, and other stuff like that. So I get the package, very quick shipping. I open the package up, and it WREAKS of cigarettes, very heavily. Add onto that, two of the three bottles were taped (with scotch tape) shut. It was described as NEW, not NEW OTHER. -_- Now if you smoke anything, that doesn't bother me and it doesn't change my view of you as long as you don't blow it in my face. But really, when you ONLY sell scented items, use common sense and don't smoke around them. Also, I know it was the seller/their workers who were smoking because there were two layers of packaging, and only the inner one + the bottles smelled like smoke.

    If I wanted to buy smoke flavored lotion I would have gone to walmart, picked up their house brand lotion, and then mixed in a bunch of ash trays to it.

    Now I get to attempt to get my money back, and quickly enough so that I can buy someone else's listing and have it shipped before she leaves.

  7. lawls
  8. When some one takes credit for what you have done :(
    jtc0999 likes this.
  9. FALL DAMAGE!:mad:
  10. When you are in the middle of doing something on Minecraft, and then your computer crashes.
  11. Amazon is yo friend.

    Something that annoys me is that for the last several months, we have been having to wait for this guy to come replace a part on the truck we bought from a friend. It started out his cousin was helping us then suddenly stops and blames his wife for the reason he stopped working on it. Now we're having to deal with his cousin. Every time they get in touch with him, he gives an excuse or says he's coming and never does. I spent 2 weeks alone in my house having massive anxiety and panic attacks because my husband couldn't come home and our landlord freaks me out.
    penfoldex, jkjkjk182 and eklektoi like this.
  12. People accusing me of hacking in minigames because they stink at them.
    jtc0999 likes this.
  13. I avoid Amazon due to me only having a Paypal account, but I will attempt to get it from Amazon now. Thanks for the advice!:)
    PandasEatRamen likes this.
  14. I have quite a bit of things that make me mad - but I've learned to not let most of them bother me as much... however, there is one thing that no matter how many times it's said, it still makes me mad: it's whenever someone says 'no homo'.

    The way I see it - if someone says 'I love you' he/she is implied to mean it.
    But if someone, after they say that, says 'no homo' - then the phrase 'I love you' is no longer meant from the heart and is therefor a joke and they didn't really mean it - technically meaning they didn't love you from the start and should re-word it.

    I am starting to learn to not take people's words not so personal anymore, but that's one that will get me riled.

    ps) I just now actually saw and read this thread :3
    kuraudochuu likes this.
  15. I am angry when my paycheck is late... ::mad:
  16. I hate when there is a certain part in a video game that you just CAN'T beat, even after watching countless youtube videos and coming up with your own way of doing it
  17. Mitch and fluffy use macs…
  18. Also, Obama.
  19. ... Oh man, where do I start?

    Lets see here:
    -People who ( unnecessarily ) turn a one sentence statement into a 10 sentence rant.
    -English teachers ( most if them )
    -People not following simple directions and holding the whole group back
    -Self-absorbed people
    -When dubstep comes on the radio :p
    PandasEatRamen likes this.
  20. Getting rid of Matt Smith :mad:
    PandasEatRamen likes this.