Well, you people are really quite the Sherlock Holmes, aren't you? Especially iamfuturetrunks. Lots of questions to negate every word I said. I admit it, it was fake. But, some of you weren't on the right track *cough*Demon*cough*. Anyway, I just figured that since I was bored, I might as well try to fool the community.
Knew It all along. Hey Look Notch Just joined Emc 2 Minutes later - Naw Its Fake he found Aikars HellHounds and Ran away forever...
I like doing something like this because in the future I can look back at this and laugh, like: Look at how I used to be! So why close the thread?
Too much work. Weird bug in the plugin, only happens to NPCs with capes... Why are we talking about our server? Why not talk about the great Empirical server that brought us all together!
I remember meeting Notch on this lava survival thing on multiplayer minecraft servers. It was on the free version of the game. It was cool because his name was in blue, and it was actually the real Notch. It was a once in a lifetime event.
Yeah, I said that after we all established the fact that I wasn't serious Can't you use that to copy the Wastelands/Frontier and then search for dungeons/minerals?
Technically you CAN. But that would be an abbusive and dishonest way to use the World Downloader Mod. And frankly, if someone went around saying they used that mod for Said purposes - they would be punished. Moral of the story - Play fair
I've actually met Etho. http://empireminecraft.com/threads/i-met-etho.18840/ Before all the hate comes into play, look at this: https://oc.tc/Etho