The New Republic

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by 72Volt, Feb 15, 2013.

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  1. I sent you a pm in response. If you wish to share it with others, please feel free to do so. You have my permission.

    I understand that Mobs have been a problem of late. But the man reason for that, is they spawn more often. When the mode went from easy to normal, they almost double in spawn rate. So this maybe a common thing to have now. I hope there will be ways to help fix this matter. Until so, just be careful and always wear armor in the wild NO MATTER WHAT.

  2. As leader of the Militia, and as much as I like seeing militia involvement in the government, I feel that having the NR create its own army is a positive thing. I know that some people have mixed feelings about militia, and i would like to prove to everyone that militia isnt necessarily a bad thing. Sure we have helped with tons of projects, and we have done alot for the nr, but i really would like to see the NR form its own military. Just think, what would happen if a different first minister was in power? Dont you think that there would be conflicting opinions as i am the leader of militia, and someone else may be the first minister. Sure it would be easy for now to make the militia the official NR military, but in the future i can see this being conflicting. I also dont want citizens feeling like the militia is trying to take over the NR. My goal, is for the NR to end up being 100% self sufficient. Each department needs to work only to its capacity, and everything works like a well oiled machine. I think if militia was established as the military, then this could cause some problems, maybe even future flamewars. Im going to avoid putting us in that position.
    supereskimo and kritacul like this.
  3. Hey, I was talking to Kritacul, and he's making quite a persuasive argument for delaying the entry of Creeper Bay into the NR.
    We currently have a few constitutional and government troubles, once we have those sorted out, we'll officially put you in.
    While you're waiting, you Creeper Bay people are all welcome in mainland NR on SMP9, to take a look around and set up houses and stuff, I've given you all citizenship. <3
    napoleon3665 and kritacul like this.
  4. So what are the problems about just PM me
  5. Well, we need to make a fully functioning government. We firstly need to get our Grand Democratic Assembly elected, then Napoleon needs to fully appoint his Neorepublican Executive, and then he needs to appoint the Grand Court judges. Then, his government needs to work on amendments to the constitution, including the Charter of Conduct, the rule of law amendments, the legislation for better government, establishing separate executive, judicial and legislative branches, and officially establishing the Neorepublican federation.

    Once all that is done, we will be able to fully accept you. :)
    kritacul likes this.
  6. as well as our own elected representation
  7. So how long will this take cause if you knew all these problems would stop us from joining atm then why offer us now why not later
  8. I didn't know these problems would obstruct a union until Kritacul told me. I'm sorry. :(
  9. Its ok it will hopefully allow us to have more time to set up roads and plots, but before we do this we must be guaranteed that we will be able to join the NR or we will not do anymore work on that sector until we join or are guaranteed :cool:
  10. I can guarantee you will join, the absolute worst case scenario is you'll have to wait until the end of September, but it won't get to that point. :)
    napoleon3665 likes this.
  11. Im looking for citizens to join Pinetown...
    brickstrike likes this.
  12. if that's the worst case scenario then how will it not happen.....
  13. As first minister of the new republic, i will guarantee that you will become part of the new republic sooner than september. I cannot put an exact timeline on when this will happen. Id like for it to happen now, but we need to finish getting the government together so realistically, the time frame depends on everyone. No worries though, we will get you in soon.
    72Volt likes this.
  14. Thanks for clearing that up, Napoleon :)
    Btw, who's managing foreign relations? Can I do it? :D
  15. Im wondering if you think if its a good idea to manage foreign relations under the communications ministry? Im completely ok with it, i just dont want you to feel like you are biting off more than you can chew. If need be, you may create a small chain of command for your ministry to assist you in fulfilling your duties.
  16. Biting off more than I can chew? Me? Don't be ridiculous :D
    If you believe a chain of command is needed, I will appoint the following people.
    • A Web Commissioner, to manage the website.
    • A Director General to run the New Republic Broadcasting Bureau (NRBB), the name of the YouTube channel which will act as a public broadcaster. I would like the NRBB to be established through official legislation, once we have the Constitution sorted out.
    • An Under-Secretary for Foreign Relations, to assist me in my role managing foreign relations.
    Happy? :rolleyes:
  17. Since I am the representative for Creeper Bay and I have already joined the NR how will it work like would I be able to run for say Congress
  18. Sounds good volt, the new republic is your baby too. lol :p
  19. NR citizens are entitled to the following (writing off the top of my head)
    • To join a political party in the New Republic.
    • To run in an election to become an Assembly Democrat or First Minister, and to serve as a minister in the Neorepublican Executive. You may also suggest referendum topics, and have them taken seriously and considered as such.
    • Claim land which they have built on as sovereign territory of the NR, although the Neorepublican Executive will have to acknowledge your claim for it to mean anything.
    • Freedom of assembly, freedom of contract (within reason) and intellectual free speech in the New Republic.
    • The right to build in a Neorepublican settlement with appropriate permissions.
    • Access to a conversation cell.
    • Being able to call themselves a Neorepublican, and being able to exercise excellence as such.
    collect12 likes this.
  20. Righteo, now, to find people to appoint.
    I'll appoint Jeanzl as my Web Commissioner, and KoenJanssen as my Under-Secretary for Foreign Relations. Who wants the Director-General role? :D
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