Yay! Now, I can wander faaaaaaaaaar away and still talk to my friends when we're hunting Enraged Mobs! One suggestion, though: As group leader, you should be the only one to invite players, and have the capability to give players the permission to invite players. For example, say I was in a group with Aikar, and I wanted to give him the ability to invite someone. I would just do this: /group op Aikar Other than that, great new feature! Thanks Aikar!
Love this! Keep up the good work! Like other people have mentioned, I think we should be able to name our groups in case we want to be in two groups at once. Then we can tell which group is talking and which group is not.
The urge to play again with this update.... I could bring all of my friends, take them out in the wild, and then abandon the group chat. Imeanwhat?
So... it's basically a simple Xbox Live Party? Awesome! Can't wait for new features to be added to the Group mechanic.
Wait until you see the part of it that you were also waiting for, but didn't know you were waiting for it.
Just wondering, is there going to be a supporter perk to this? As there are a lot of perks supporters of on top of everyone? Like the ability to actually do it across server?
Why is everyone suddenly like ERMAGERD GIMMIE MER PERKS! ? It's a new feature FOR EVERYONE. It should stay FOR EVERYONE. It's not fair to put it out then go "Hey fork over real money if you want this added." Also when people do this, it makes it look like people only support to get perks, not because they want to help support EMC.
Two questions: Is the old wastelands chat system no longer going to be available and every player will have to be in his/her own group? And how many players will be able to be in one group at a time?
Do you mean Local chat? That is still there. The chat update only added group chat - did not effect the current system.