The EMC Survival Update!

Discussion in 'Empire Updates' started by IcecreamCow, Jun 18, 2013.

  1. I will probably have bad luck tomorrow but, the world may never know.
  2. A zombie dropped a zombie virus please explain what this is- cowland123
  3. A zombie virus.
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
  4. Oh btw rare mobs, 2 Momentus have spawned in the Stoneguard farms are my cows attracting them?
  5. maybe they spawn in certain biomes or something has anyone documented where they have spawned?
  6. I dont think it's limited to certain biomes my two have spawned in both forest and plains.
  7. It's a potion with negative and positive effects. It gives you good things like Resistance and a few others but bad things like hunger and nausea.
  8. Oh, so a billion things happened while I was on vacation is what you are saying?
    *wanders out into the wild*
    SpaceShuttleFan, 607 and Twitch1 like this.
  9. I love the whole player skull thing
    cadgamer101 and marknaaijer like this.
  10. Not sure if anyone saw this yet but I thought it was pretty cool! Enraged skeleton! It ran really fast and had an enchanted bow!

    Plus I have a creeper head yay!! 2013-06-19_02.27.14.png
    mba2012 likes this.
  11. Found another thing!! Now an enraged zombie!! Damn it actually killed me!! Super fast, flaming zombie with a hit as strong as a pigman!! 2013-06-19_02.41.53.png
    mba2012 likes this.
  12. oke well can someone give a summary of what awesome new things are found now
  13. Hmm, I wonder if Marlix and Momentus would be able to spawn underground, providing there's enough space?
    mba2012 likes this.
  14. Probably. Especially in your base...
  15. where do marlix spawn i havent encounterd one
  16. My group and I found both Gigantor or whatever it is and Marlix in the wastelands.
    dirkjan23, ninjaboy5656 and mba2012 like this.
  17. I may be out of my mind, but I have this strange feeling there is a much harder third boss...
    Adderwolf71 likes this.
  18. Yeah, there is...... Actually there's a fourth one too.
    The Wither and Ender Dragon.
    607 and mba2012 like this.
  19. I meant one added with the update.
    brickstrike likes this.
  20. Does anyone else have issues with climbing ladders? More precisely, am I the only one who cant do so any longer?