The New Republic

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by 72Volt, Feb 15, 2013.

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  1. Make nothing burn down.. Huh.... >: )
  2. Correct. I want nothing burned down.
  3. Nuff' Said.
  4. FYI iron farm cause no lag if built correctly. Also depends on if you have a bad system
  5. The EMC Militia has begun their newest project, the Militia-StoneGuard Bridge, which is perhaps the largest bridge project in EMC History. The Militia Bridge will merge with the StoneGuard bridge, which makes it over 1,000 blocks long.
    This incredible piece of architecture will connect the city of Wrem to StoneGuard. It is 6 blocks wide and over 1,000 blocks long. Here are some pictures of the Militia Bridge in it's early stages. Pictures of StoneGuard bridge will come later. :)
    2013-06-12_19.33.40.png 2013-06-12_19.34.03.png 2013-06-12_20.53.31.png 2013-06-12_20.53.44.png 2013-06-12_20.54.18.png

    Attached Files:

  6. hate to break it to you but the curthania bridge was alot bigger then this, in its glorie it was a sight people came to 9 just to run along it
  7. Just to clarify Deathtomb, but how big exactly?
  8. Cause ours is 1800 and some odd blocks
    mba2012, ants4235 and KoenJanssen like this.
  9. I wasnt too sure, so yea 1,000 blocks long
  10. These bridges beautifully blend modern with medieval, its a fusion of the future and the past. Militia Bridge is sleek, modern and abstract, while its counterpart StoneGuard bridge is rustic, practical and detailed. The two bridges are joined on the same journey, right together, just like time
  11. is it possible for me to join the new republic?
    wisepsn likes this.
  12. The curthania bridge was almost 2500 in length, 6 wide. it lead the our 1st wild city of curthania which we left when zolara was formed when info about dragontombs was leaked.

    sadly to say this bridge has been griefed hard over the last 10 months since we left it along with the city
  13. I like your idea. what if i want to be involved but want to stay at the complex i've already built. would there be a place for me?
    actanonverba1994 likes this.
  14. Wow, that's pretty cool, did you guys ever think about revisiting Curthania, and fix it up?
  15. Hard to top 2500, that's truly amazing Deathtomb.
    Well a lot has been done, BUT no one is to use the bridge just yet.
    We have got a lot done but wish not to open it till it is done or very close to it.
    Also we will have dual tracks on this bridge and through most of the walkway going to Stoneguard.

    I am telling you all now though, if there are left over minecarts on the track or the track has been griefed, a mod will find you and drop a punishment hammer on you.
    The Militia and Pat2011 put A LOT of work into all of this and hours close to days on end building.
    So let it be known not to mess this up, or we will close the bridge and you have to boat.
    Thank you.

    pat2011 and CommonSense_64 like this.
  16. That is fine. I'll add you in :)

    Yes :)
  17. I don't remember saying this, but I think we should listen to this, it sounds like good advice.

    You're a great Neorepublican, you will design a longer one in time :)

    Also, in regards to the iron farm question, iron farms may be made as compliant with land laws, and should not cause excessive lag. Yes, it may be griefed, but that is a risk taken by the owner. :)
    jacob5089 likes this.
  18. Can I just say, to avoid some possible conflicts, maybe a name other than the Milita Bridge would be good. Something as amazing as it is deserves a far more creative name. One that represent it's length and majesty.
  19. I vote yes for the Iron Farm because we could sell the iron and with that we could fund the NR's Budget to make awesome buildings and improve the infrastructure.

    As deathtomb said, if built correctly there will be no lag. Although it should be built out of normal render distance for the sake of people with not so good computers so they won't have to render it and have low fps.
    KoenJanssen and wisepsn like this.
  20. I approve of an Iron farm but only if built 200 or more blocks away from Wrem.
    KoenJanssen and wisepsn like this.
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