Gleeson looks like he could be the most "Doctory" of them. But after seeing "The Curse of Fatal Death" and hearing about "The Corsair", I do think it would be interesting to have a female Doc. Although It'll have issues with past companions returning as most were women who were attracted to him.
Primeval was good for like... 2 series... then it got repetitive and I haven't watched it since 2010.
I don't want a new doctor. I love Matt Smith. Actually been talking about getting a Doctor Who tattoo inspired by him. But out of the three in the link I would say Gleeson.. I wouldn't mind a ginger doctor.
That contract was way back in 2009 and he did extend it some. They officially announced his last episode is christmas special last week...
So there has been an update and BBC confirmed there will NOT be an announcement today...pooey! Guess that newspaper either was bluffing or worked out a deal with BBC to not spill the beans.
I'm sure someone will end up letting the secret at some point.. Cause I mean that's a pretty hard secret to keep under wraps for a whole 6 more months.
Well Moffatt said he will have to make the announcement before they start filming the christmas episode. And since they are just now wrapping up the season premiere, I'd say it's gonna be a while.