
Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by AmusedStew, May 18, 2013.


What do you think?

This annoys the crap out of me, stop calling it Budder/Butter! 43 vote(s) 56.6%
I Love using the term Budder/Butter! 8 vote(s) 10.5%
I could care less 25 vote(s) 32.9%
  1. Your warning was the tutorial.
  2. My friend did that i believe for me
  3. Twitch1? How long ago were you banned?
  4. Yeah, you should have done it yourself, that's rather the point of it.
  5. 1
    1 year ago the day after my b-day because that was the i saw on my thing
  6. Is there away i could get unbaned?
  7. How did this go from a rant bout Budder, to a rant about "jelly", to how to make a ban appeal?
  8. Don't ask me....
  9. Budder is old anyway, its called Cheese. :D
    princebee and brickstrike like this.