So on smp2 today, ignoramoose had some fun messing with Cordial_Pie, Jacob5089, and I. I took some screenshots, but what is seen, is not all that happened. He also turned us invisible for a bit.
Being a longtime member and depending how often he's on they've probably talked to him a lot. Most of SMP5 knows Dwight and Torian well. There are those from 7 who know Aikar and iSMOOCH pretty well.
Nope, it was all out of the blue, I think this may be the first time I have EVER made any type of contact with ignoramoose. It was pretty funny, and we didn't know, but krysyyjane9191 was in on it...
He came to my second res and started letting fireworks go and put me in a bedrock box, then he put me in webs.
Yes, but before that, I was staring at the tutorial and it happened, then at my res, he did it again, and shot fireworks and teleported me
Krysyy, ignora and I all joined same day- were petty good friends because of that. We a,so had a 400th party together (kind of)