A simple DragonCave thread

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by autumnrain26, Feb 22, 2013.

  1. It kinda resembles a recolored Soulpeace egg..
  2. Yey! I got the Thursday one also!!!
  3. C'mon eggs, hatch,hatch,hatch!!! I need a spot for the Friday egg tonight!!!
  4. I'm away when they are dropping... If you guys could get me 2 of each days, I will pay you a gold wyvern per day :)
  5. Mini I have a black cap something that you can have, but I can't set up a trade, I have to wait for cooldown.
  6. Thanks, but I meant the ones from Saturday onwards :) I can set up the trades

    BTW If anyone is insterested in this I will set up the trades and add me on Skype my name on it is either The Mini or TheMiniKins (Search for TheMiniKins)
  7. That's a good idea Mini, I don't know if I'll be able to get you CBs but at least you can count with an eggie from my couples if it was necessary.

    For those who participated in the contest, I'm trying to breed on my own all your rewards, I hace already rewarded some from every group but now with the releases you and me are a bit busy.do not fret tho, you will all get your metallics and another egg of choice (blacks, vamps, nebulas, etc.).
  8. ...I can't find any eggs because they're dropped at 10 in the afternoon for me. I'm not even awake then.
  9. The release egg is being dropped non stop during the whole day, right now you can find it at Volcano. All the other biomes are empty to prevent lag.
  10. autumn how did you get that scroll image in your signature?
  11. Huh? I'm confused... The 7th birthday special ones are only available from the cave...
  12. That banner is from Eggs Around the World, which also generate animated banners. AoND also creates scroll banners that track scroll progress.. Then there are also the incubators from DC.. xD
  13. There are other eggs dropping with them, however, because of the drop system being ratio based, the new eggs "outnumber" the rest of the drop because the new eggs are trying to equalize their numbers based on ratios.. Until the ratios are equalized, we will only see then really.. This usually take 16-20 hours per egg, but as there is a new dragon each day, we probably won't be seeing a regular drop until the middle of next week.. :(
  14. Can someone nab me a Wednesday drop? I can get it in my darn phone, and I can't get onto my computer :(
  15. What I meant is that they are permanent, and probably breedable, it hasn't been stated otherwise. I mean I'll breed you one if you don't get any CB's, but that's unlikely, because you will be able to get them yourself once the cave goes back to normal.
  16. Yea they are dropping all day and not just at the top of the hour. I got mine at 12:40-ish pm. So keep looking and good luck :D
  17. Pokemon eggs! Autumn and collect have some to. Not sure who else started.