((ok but do they know what happened to themselves, or do they have no recollection of the laboratories and experiments done on them))
311-D reads the map. He decides that it's follow the map, or die on the streets. He wrenches open the large iron sewer grate and begins trekking through the dark, smelly sewers. 311-D decides that the telephone wire-whip is now his weapon. ((Let's say that eventually the rest of the world finds out about NYC, then can we go anywhere?))
Ryuga Then Sees A Paper With Vague Writing On It. It Shows A X On Times Square, Which Is Probably Filled With Infected.
311-D travels through the sewers, eventually reaching Manhattan. He comes out of the sewers, arriving in (or what used to be) Little Italy. Infected are everywhere, so he keeps a low profile.
As 757-LIT spots Times Square, he notices a person, expecting trouble, he warily approaches, with his pistol at the ready.
DSL-42 sees a person approaching times square. He notices that this person has a gun, and not wanting trouble, raises his hands behind his head
757-LIT, closer now, says; "Perhaps, anyways, I got this note from.. Someone, and I need to enlist your help."
311-D holds off most of the infected with his whip, but one got through and scratched him. Nothing major, and he took care of the Infected. But the Blade was very fast and got several hits on his shoulders. To 311-D's horror, the blade thrashed out and broke the whip in half. With only his fists, wits, strength and speed with him now, he has to fight the Blade.
DSL-42 tells 757-LIT that the situation is the same with himself, but vice versa, he offers to team up with 757-LIT
(Whoops. Sorry.) 757-LIT accepts the offer, but makes sure on one point. "Due to the fact that the message was given to me by a complete stranger, I cannot completely trust you. Therefore, don't expect "sympathy" from me."
311-D is fighting for his life. The Blade is merciless, and with its speed it can injure him quickly. If 311-D wasn't fast like he is, he probably would be dead. 311-D got several hits with his fists, punching and hitting as hard as he can (which is pretty hard). The Blade seems slightly affected, but nothing major. 311-D's shoulder wound is bleeding severely, and he must either win the fight or die trying.
DSL-42 agrees, and says that if 757-LIT tries anything funny, he will attack him with a swarm of wasps (I can see that going wrong in so many ways)
As 757-LIT settles down in DSL's small base, thinking in his mind "Wasps? Right.. Ha." he feels like he's being watched. When he looks over at a window in a nearby building, he sees a shadow move away from it. Feeling exposed, 757-LIT moves to a more covered spot.