I don't think I should let my imagination run wild... I should keep it contained. My imagination is a place full of sick and disgusting things... and ponies...
What you call your team of scientists: S.W.A.G Age (In-game) 30-99 69 We create the human caterpillar by welding a human to a bunch of hotdogs and centipedes.
Potatoeappleketchup 31 i stick together a rainbow unicorn minigun tank potatoe apple pie a table and icc and sick it on evryone
does a flood spore count as W.M.D? Application : Precursor Remnant Age : 30 PS. I like halo too Weld together 4 wood planks to make a crafting table
Brick Inc. wields together a pig and a super computer to make a pig that has super computer powers.... Oh and we also wield together a pig and brick....
Late a little. Scientist Team: The Oidians Age:35 The oidians weld mechanical wings to a metal pig to make a flying pig.
Oidians wield Prometheans and Humans together to create the Human 2.0 (No one was hurt in the process) Besides the guy that got welded into a promethium. Poor guy.