Yes.Yes.yes.Yes.Yes.No, the promise of the cake was a lie, the cake actually existed, therefore, the cake is not a lie. Only a zombie pig. Only zombie bodies. That ok? I would like a scene too if possible?
Do you have to be in the movie? P.S. Invite as many people as possible to do this. Sign up to be in the movie here: Or on the website here:
"ICC Just went on a rampage and nuked the whole empire and accidently made a huge hole where pigmen and zombies are coming out of and into town where the bravest people are trying to defend the empire but then a zombie comes out and a person (Maybe Kevmandude?) gets pushed down into the whole and then a spaceship like the one is mass effect 3 demo comes out of the hole and destroys Justin's Pyramid and crushing a lot of minecraft players and then the ground shakes and lines start formin around the spawn area and then the spawn area goes down the hole and then JackBigging runs and catches kevmandude because he was in the air because he landend on the mass effect 3 ship." im not grammar policia yo promeso i just cant read this, its all one sentence. i try and my ocd/dyslexia kicks in and i start reading in my head: pigmenandzombiesarecomingoutofandintotwnwhrethbrvstpplrtryng2dfdtmprebutt.......etc its gets progressively worse. can you edit it/ give me a summary so i can see what this is about lol
I think that entire excerpt needs to be fixed, because that is the mother of all runoff sentences. Seriously. Put .'s in.
Here's a part of the first few minutes: Enjoy Among the chaotic factions assembling from amateurs and newbies throughout the Empire which are failing, three forces emerge; 72Volt's New Republic, which has risen to become an Empire superpower with huge economic and military might, AlexChance Incorporated, the richest and most influential company in EMC, and the Alliance for Love and Tolerance, a fledgling but fearful force of the bronies of EMC, determined to prove their might.
This is moving again? Le-gasp! Jeanzl, you should have a PM from the last time I saw this thread, but I just want to point out my VA offer still stands if you need voicing (sample). Also, FailDeadly finally convinced me to get back to work on my SPM8 res (16087), so it's no longer a half-finished ruinous mess. You're more than welcome to make use of it, should it suit your purposes.