A simple DragonCave thread

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by autumnrain26, Feb 22, 2013.

  1. Must....not...take....more...eggs.
  2. Do you mean these ones?

  3. Yes ._.
  4. Earlier I discovered I had a dorkwed lineage and didn't even know. lol

    Also, don't forget about the 7 year anniversary for Dragon Cave!!
    Las mentioned it earlier, but wanted to remind everyone again.


    7 New Dragons in 7 Days!! May 22 - 29
  5. They are really useful, they have a teleport command. I can give you one in a week, so your eggies grow up before that time, when you want it :)
  6. Yes please :)
    (If you could explain to me how the whole teleport thing works, that'd be great :confused:)
  7. margaritte and Spenser6 like this.
  8. So i have a question, just for future use.
    How exactly do i see my dragon's lineage?
    Please remember i am new to this :p
  9. Just click on the dragon, and then pick view lineage from that page.
  10. Oh ok, so it will come up under actions when the lineage is viewable?
    Cause that one i got from Battmeghs doesn't have that button. Maybe he's too young?

  11. Click on the egg/dragon/hatcling you want to check on your scroll, and then click view lineage. Not all ofYour dragons seemto have a lineage, though. Did you get them from the "You see a huge pile of eggs on the ground"or something like that, where you see a lot of naked eggs, or did you just click on a place, forest or jungle or something, and chose out of three surprise eggs?
  12. Not under actions, just when you click on them from your scroll, where you can see their description and stuff.
  13. the ones that are cave bred, will not have a linage, because they are the first in the family line.
    margaritte likes this.
  14. Ohhhhh. I see, thank you :D

    You are all great :D Thank you for enduring my foalishness (See what i did there?)

    I got all of them but the itty bitty one out of the choice of three eggs, i got the little baby one from Megh, and i rescued the little egg from a bunch of abandoned eggs.
    jacob5089 and battmeghs like this.
  15. I've missed every teleport link so far.
    Xenonrai likes this.
  16. Whilst exploring the dragon day care site, i came across a baby dragon. Only it said it had been bitten.....
    Would someone explain what this means to me please? :confused: Should i be worried about leaving them at the day care thing or something?:confused:
    battmeghs likes this.