[VOTE] Empire Voteoff Contest - May 2013

Discussion in 'Empire Events' started by JackBiggin, Apr 24, 2013.

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  1. 3rd on MCSL you say?

    mba2012 likes this.
  2. 31st place on minestatus
  3. i forgot to vote last night :( ugh
  4. If you keep voting you might just be in luck :)
    battmeghs likes this.
  5. Voted for the second time this month, with any luck this isn't all in vain :)
    mba2012 and AlexChance like this.
  6. there, clearly my reminders on my phone doesn't work. so i set an alarm, and changed it to this time of day.. hopefully i'll be home everyday for the next month at this time, last night i wasn't home and completely forgot until this morning :( lol
    what about times? does it have to be within 24 hours, or after 24 hours?
    AlexChance likes this.
  7. After you vote it resets and allows you to vote again after 24 hours :)
  8. oh okay thanks terr
  9. Why does the planetminecraft captcha have to be so awful :(
  10. I know right? I usually get it wrong the first two times.
  11. Day 4. Remember to vote!

    It may not be May 4th wherever you live yet. If not, make sure you wait until it is to make sure you get your first vote in!

    Don't forget that commenting on our server also helps our score!

    Also, we recommend you spread your votes out over multiple sites and times to make sure you're streak isn't broken by the really dumb voting system - which Aikar really needs to get around to fixing.
    mba2012 likes this.
  12. We made it to 34 on minestatus. :p
  13. TIP: Voting with alt accounts from 3G devices/phones will work, although won't be eligible to win.

  14. .... that is 4 days worth of voting. just in may... that is one thousand a day. that is insane!

    that really sucks, when it comes to you having more than 1 person in your house that plays... and can't vote. :(
  15. Hm, if you let Jack and myself know what's up in a PM, we might be able to help out. :)
  16. it is just the significant other, he hasn't voted, as i'm assuming he's just letting me. since i'm the obsessed one. lol
    AlexChance likes this.
  17. Yes, Jack and Alex have "special haxors" that bribe people to vote by brainwashing them. It's how we have so many votes.
  18. Shh they don't need to know... >.>
    mba2012, jrm531, WeirdManaico and 2 others like this.
  19. The way this works is kinda annoying....I voted for 3 days but once I voted on wednesday at 6 and then the next day at 7, and wound up losing my streak....It would be better off if it went by the day, rather than 24 hours (seeing how most of the voting servers have a 24 hour wait period)
    battmeghs and jrm531 like this.
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