Was this an overreaction?

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by synth_apparition, Apr 29, 2013.

  1. I never let my guard down... I'm wary of everyone which is why I get scared and prepared for situations like this. But that's also my.downfal...
  2. I've NEVER walked with my dog, I've NEVER walked outside of my house after school, I've NEVER met anyone like that. You shouldn't go outside if you see them all the time, you never know..when...they might...come after..you..
  3. Walks beside you, turns around.

    Jimbonothing64 likes this.
  4. Creepy..face..
    corn3000 and AlexHallon like this.
  5. Carry some double strength tobasco, when he makes the face take off the lid and chuck it at his eyes, nose, ears, and of course, his mouth
  6. You british have a werid country
  7. But hey, they have cool accents.
  8. Lwaowl
  9. Into my sig, everyone say bye to jk's quote :p
    Xenonrai likes this.
  10. I do not see why not, we have the right to life, if that involves killing an attacker, i see no problem. I thought you were an advocate of self defense. BTW, you did the right thing.
  11. Um, if he has the right to life, so does the other person, you just contradicted yourself, and I thought I was good at that...
    SoulPunisher and HylianNinja like this.
  12. Darn. Everyone beats me to putting quotes in sigs :(
  13. 356h77.jpg
    HylianNinja and mba2012 like this.
  14. I don't believe that killing somebody is right. Unless you absolutely have to, you shouldn't do it. If I was attacked and handguns and pepper spray were legal to carry around, I would spray them with the pepper spray. If they didn't back down from the spray, i'd shoot them in the leg... Just to harm them and make them unable to give chase.

    By the way, after having practiced with a real gun (primary school and a high school trip in Year 6 & 7) I have really good aim.
  15. Actually, it's the whole of the UK, not just Britain.
    There's a few british accents :p
    Cockney (London)
    Geordie (Newcastle)
    Scouse (Liverpool)
    ...Probably alot more, but these are the main ones.
    Btw, this is how the scouse accent sounds, which is my accent...and also my sense of humor.

    (My accent isn't as thick as that. Infact it's pretty easy to turn off :p)
  16. You could carry some shaving foam for self-defence purposes.
    jacob5089 likes this.
  17. I don't use shaving foam :confused:
  18. Where i live... the only place you can not have peppee spray is at achool. and for self defence you can use it without a fine.... love the country
  19. Shaving foam in the eyes is not very pleasant, if you know what I mean.
  20. I don't use Shaving Foam though... When I start shaving (in a few weeks :p) i'll be using Shaving Cream.
    And yeah, you heard me right. I have a beard...at 13 >.> (I'm 13 in 7 days, but I don't really look 12 anymore).