I'm sorry if it came that way, but all i was trying to do was: A) let him see his error B) Make him laugh This must've been stressful on him, so if i can get him to laugh, it will ease his nerves.
The Boston bombing was done with bombs made out of pressure cookers and the gunpowder from common fireworks. The hydrogen peroxide hairdressers use is monitored and they can't resell it. Cell phones, which are often used to set bombs off are registered of course. Did you hear about the guys who were arrested not too long ago because they were going from store to store buying them? Anyone can buy a bag of fertilizer, but start buying truckloads of it and you can expect a visit from the police. There are lots of items monitored already that most of us don't even know about. We could ban pressure cookers and cell phones too. The problem is that most of us also want to have the freedom to use our pressure cookers and cell phones in peace and those who want to do damage will just find other ingredients to use.
Well then, I'm sure there is someone out there that can come up with a good way to monitor these things without taking away people's freedom.
Man, what is wrong with people nowadays??? Do they just want to go to prison, or what?? Hope you're fine.
I would do that if I had a AK-74u, and a Juggernought suit, and a metal bat. And LOL, I saw the TerryDaTerorist thing. Really?? Because in real life, it's unlikely he's a real terrorist, so you don't really have to say that.
It's called universal healthcare with mental health provision, ever wonder why Canada and the UK never get any shootings?
This, I need to show the premier of my state this. So that he doesn't combine Mental Health with physio or something, because the professions sound the same...