
Discussion in 'Suggestion Box Archives' started by Gibabyte, Apr 19, 2013.

  1. It will be useful for the wilderness, as you can control the horses and make them jump, unlike with pigs :p And also they travel MUCH faster.
  2. I already have it all planned out.
    Horse named Luna. :3
    Mining tools.

    And then i will ride out 20k into the sunset in the Wastelands and i shall build a little hut. Tie my horse up where it will be safe. Then i will mine like a madman, ride back, and rinse and repeat.

    I shall become the richest man alive.
    607 likes this.
  3. Just don't do any battle on Luna against creepers.

    Even with Diamond horse armor they are killed instantly by creeper 'splosions.

    I'm gonna name mine Applejack :p (When I sex my axolotls I might rename one and call it AppleJack xD)
    Or Blackjack. Percy Jackson reference.
    Spenser6 likes this.
  4. Don't forget about mules.
    mba2012 likes this.
  5. I will have a Mule too.

    Named Cranky Doodle Donkey.
    mba2012 and shavingfoam like this.
  6. Wastelands will be capped at about 4000 :p

    As for horses, we def intend to let you travel with them in town.

    also horses will be bound to the owner so they cant be stolen.
    oremia, HylianNinja, mba2012 and 5 others like this.
  7. Very nice.
  8. So much for my horse rustling business.
  9. Yay, now I can snipe people on a horse and go ridiculously fast,

    because that is what I do, I grab a bow, and shoot people with it.

    OMG watabout tp-ing, will you be able to tp on a horse, and have the horse tp with you? because I feel that would be a problem, with giant empty res's I will fall in, and my horse will die, and if it survives, it wil be stuck
  10. OH also, just a question, but when are the wastelands going to be ready to be opened?
  11. Horses can be made immune to indirect damage in town (so only the owner hitting it could kill it)

    TP'ing is going to be difficult. Minecraft does not support TP'ing with vehicles, but maybe we can fix that
    cadgamer101 and DaJaKoe like this.
  12. or maybe, (although I imagine it would be difficult) there could be a command for horse tp to you, like /tp horse [playername]
    DaJaKoe likes this.
  13. Could just have horse farms in wild/nether. That way you have grown horses at all bases.
  14. or, because I suggested it (this is a joke by the way, but you know, implementing it would be kinda funny)
    /darksuperlord horse [playername]
  15. I actually like this idea........
  16. This sounds like a good idea, what if someone wanted to sell/trade horses in the wild based on their appearance and/or perks?
    shavingfoam likes this.
  17. I can't wait. My horse's name shall be........ Shadow. Or possibly Fluffy, or I could go super nerd and name it Shruikan or possibly Smaug.
  18. no that wasn't wat I meant, I meant that the horse tp should have the namesake after me
  19. and again, a joke, unless you want to do that, in which case I wouldn't mind