A simple DragonCave thread

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by autumnrain26, Feb 22, 2013.

  1. I can try.
    Edit: I tried with all of my black dragons and it didn't work. :mad:
  2. Well your egg locked at the moment....so would have to wait to get a black egg :D
  3. Jus watch and scroll through all the caves1- that's what I did :p
  4. This is a nice and tidy lineage :D
    Lasluin likes this.
  5. Aww yeah... Definitely... :p
  6. I can breed a black or 2 when you guys aren't egglocked :)
  7. Egglocked?
  8. I will, for free! :D
  9. Egglocked=max eggs/hatchies per scroll at a time.
  10. Dis a tinsel?
  11. Okay, can you PM me the link to get the egg if you get it for me? Thanks!
  12. Go DragonCave!!!!!
  13. Right now there are being released in the AP eggs with 1d 9h left. Catching one poor thingy at least
  14. Question: Is is ethical to have two scrolls if one is for collecting a specific breed? Or would you guys be mad.
  15. In the terms and agreements you agreed not to have two scrolls.
  16. I don't know why exactly should be of others concern if you have one or two, but as it is in the TOS and it could cost you to have both scrolls burnt, I wouldn't take the risk.
  17. ^.^ My first egg hatched.
  18. Didn't see that part. Thanks guys
    607 likes this.
  19. Do you have them on click sites?
  20. Yeah, only one click site.