XP Disapering

Discussion in 'Empire Help & Support' started by MinerNicolas, Feb 16, 2012.


Has Your xp been disapering?

Yes 9 vote(s) 40.9%
No 14 vote(s) 63.6%
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. Haha, many have tried, I get at least one email/message a day asking me for Empire stuff :)
    Skilled_Creeper and MR2R2M like this.
  2. Well Justin, that just goes to show that you are obviously doing something right here :p
  3. This has me a little worried as I'm close to coming home from my wilderness xp farm. I don't have to change SMP to do so but I will run a FRAPS video when I head home,.... just in case. :D
    BTW... I'm using Minecraft Launcher as it's lets me set the memory command for Jave from it's menu as well as what minecraft.jar file. I use 512 setting memory as at 1024 I had a few locking issues due to memory. Don't know why as I have 8gb for ram but don't care as long as it works good with 512. So far Not one crash at that setting. ;)

    Made it back home with no issues. :D
    JustinGuy likes this.
  4. i just lagged out and joined right back the next day and it was gone
  5. When you say lagged out, when you joined the next day were you dead?
  6. I use my phone as an Internet source and its a bit unreliable. When i lag out i get a message and ill post a pic of it but normally i don't lose my xp

    Attached Files:

  7. Yeah this is handled correctly in the server and should not result in a loss of XP
  8. One more question, when you guys say you lose XP, does it go back to level 0 and the bar empty? Or do only some of the levels go away?
  9. HEY Justin....after I got back home I lost all my XP and only got a dang Silk Touch I pick and a Power I bow :p

    Sorry ... couldn't resist. :D
    Dark_Liz and GameKribJEREMY like this.
  10. This happened to me just now, lost 43 levels after I teleported to town. Fix please?
  11. Got disconnected again and lost all my levels same screen as before
    MR2R2M likes this.
  12. Get a screen cap?
  13. Still, I can't fix this if I can't reproduce it. I have spent almost two full days trying to make it happen. Any details help such as, did you lose it all (back to zero), was it when you died, changed servers, etc.

    I also put a bunch more logging in place that will give me some better insight. Thanks for your patience everyone :)
  14. Lost it all, after I teleported back to town it was gone, didn't die.
  15. I didn't die, lost it all, and screen shot is the same as before
  16. This is a display bug in MC, disconnect and reconnect.
  17. Did that, closed MC, didn't get it back :/ Tried an enchantment table and I couldn't select anything
  18. Ok I found the issue. It is a Minecraft (or Bukkit issue). The steps to reproduce this are:

    Open Minecraft, connect to a EMC server
    Open Minecraft again, connect to the same EMC server
    It will kick you from your first connection, but your second connection will have no XP

    So my question is, those of you using Spout, where you using the reconnect button, and did you get a message about already being signed in?
    nmanley likes this.
  19. I Lost Like 5 Levels When The New XP Update Happened And BTW I Never Changed Server!
    UltiPig likes this.
  20. I had two spout windows open )one for each of my accounts) This was at the xp farm, could it be that having two accounts confused the system and caused me to loose my xp on the one account?