XP Disapering

Discussion in 'Empire Help & Support' started by MinerNicolas, Feb 16, 2012.


Has Your xp been disapering?

Yes 9 vote(s) 40.9%
No 14 vote(s) 63.6%
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. Not if they were different accounts, but if they were the same account (maybe by accident) it would have.
  2. Right ok, thanks for trouble shooting this :) Now I know what to watch out for.
  3. I have a fix for this, I am in the process of testing it now.
    AlexChance and Crazy1080 like this.
  4. Of course you do, you always have fixes :) But can we be credited our xp back?
  5. I have logs kept of who lost XP, once I am sure the fix is good I will look into crediting it back.
    MR2R2M likes this.
  6. Do I get my Xp back from when I lost some from lag?????