Of Mice and Men The quote is actually from the movie version, but if you've read the book, you can tell it's the same character. On a side note, I find it hilarious that Lennie is played by John Malkovich.
The movie version is also bad, My class didn't even finish watching the film. Do you like the book or the film?
I'm not sure I've seen the whole movie, but I'd say I'm neutral towards both. To stay on track... "You're on Candid Camera!
LEEEEEEEEEEEEEROYYYYYYYYY JEEENNNNKINS https://m.youtube.com/#/watch?feature=fvwrel&v=LkCNJRfSZBUQ[/Spoiler][/url]
"There's no fall damage in EMC Town!" If you don't get this, log onto EMC right now and try jumping off of something.... XD EDIT: Fixed in record time
There actually was fall damage on smp1 at one point. It only got turned off this year I think. I, along with JackBiggin died due to that. >.>